# The user constraint file (UCF) # This is UCF file template which includes examples. # See manuals for detailed description of these and other constraints # Both the "#" sign and "//" (double slash) are used as comments in the UCF file. # In the template below the "#" is used for descriptions and the "//" are # used to comment out the examples which can be modified and used. # Also, in the examples below all user names are shown in lower case # while reserved "key" words are written in CAPITAL letters. # While Timespec identifiers (TSids) can be in either upper or lower case, # the convention is to use upper case due to limitations of some CAE tools. # Please note that as the implementation tools are case sensitive, the case # that you use for net and Comp names when constraining the design must # match that which was used in creating the design. # Examples below may be used for initial Timing Constraint Driven Implementation # NET form of the PERIOD timing constraints (no TSidentifier) // NET clk PERIOD = 40 ; # UCF PERIOD style Timespecs including relative timing constraints // NET clk2 TNM = clk2_grp ; // NET clk3 TNM = clk3 ; // TIMESPEC TS03 = PERIOD clk2_grp 50 ; // TIMESPEC TS04 = PERIOD clk3 TS03 * 2 ; # Net form of the OFFSET timing constraint // NET add0_in OFFSET = IN 14 AFTER clk ; # UCF FROM : TO style Timespec example # Note the example shows spaces or colons (:) may be used as field separators // NET data_en TNM = pipea ; // TIMEGRP buspads = PADS(bus*) ; // TIMESPEC TS01 = FROM:buspads:TO:pipea:20 ; // TIMESPEC TS02 = FROM FFS TO RAMS 15 ; // NET $1I6/thisnet TPTHRU=these ; // NET $1I6/anothernet TPTHRU=these ; // TIMEGRP sflops=FFS(DATA*) ; // TIMEGRP dflops=FFS(OUTREG*) ; // TIMESPEC TS23=FROM:sflops:THRU:these:TO:dflops:20 ; # TPSYNC example; pad to a 3-state buffer enable pin // Note TPSYNC attached to 3-state buffer’s output NET // NET BUS3STATE TPSYNC=bus3; // TIMESPEC TSNewSpc3=FROM:PAD(ENABLE_BUS):TO:bus3:20ns; # Ignore timing on reset net // NET RESET_N TIG ; # A location constraint // NET SCLINF LOC = P125 ; # Other examples of syntax with wildcarding and predefined groups # Slow exception for data leaving INA FFs // TIMESPEC TS02 = FROM FFS(INA*) TO FFS 80 ; # Faster timing required for data leaving RAM // TIMESPEC TS03 = FROM RAMS TO FFS 20 ; # Form special time groups related to RAMs // INST $1I64 TNM = spdram ; // NET rambus0 TPTHRU = ramvia ; // NET rambus1 TPTHRU = ramvia ; # Specify timing for this special timing path // TIMESPEC TS04 = FROM spdram THRU ramvia TO FFS 45 ; NET "$H7/ONESOUT0" LOC = "p49"; NET "$H7/ONESOUT1" LOC = "p48"; NET "$H7/ONESOUT2" LOC = "p47"; NET "$H7/ONESOUT3" LOC = "p46"; NET "$H7/ONESOUT4" LOC = "p45"; NET "$H7/ONESOUT5" LOC = "p50"; NET "$H7/ONESOUT6" LOC = "p51"; NET "$H6/TENSOUT0" LOC = "p39"; NET "$H6/TENSOUT1" LOC = "p38"; NET "$H6/TENSOUT2" LOC = "p36"; NET "$H6/TENSOUT3" LOC = "p35"; NET "$H6/TENSOUT4" LOC = "p29"; NET "$H6/TENSOUT5" LOC = "p40"; NET "$H6/TENSOUT6" LOC = "p44"; NET "$H9/TENTHSOUT1" LOC = "p60"; NET "$H9/TENTHSOUT2" LOC = "p59"; NET "$H9/TENTHSOUT3" LOC = "p58"; NET "$H9/TENTHSOUT4" LOC = "p57"; NET "$H9/TENTHSOUT5" LOC = "p66"; NET "$H9/TENTHSOUT6" LOC = "p65"; NET "$H9/TENTHSOUT7" LOC = "p62"; NET "$H9/TENTHSOUT8" LOC = "p61"; NET "RESET" LOC = "p28"; NET "STRTSTOP" LOC = "p18";