5.2.1: Reading file hex2led.xnf ... WARNING Signal led<3> is loadless. Assumed external output. WARNING Signal hex<3> is not driven. Assumed external input. WARNING Signal hex<2> is not driven. Assumed external input. WARNING Signal hex<1> is not driven. Assumed external input. WARNING Signal hex<0> is not driven. Assumed external input. WARNING Signal led<0> is loadless. Assumed external output. WARNING Signal led<1> is loadless. Assumed external output. WARNING Signal led<4> is loadless. Assumed external output. WARNING Signal led<5> is loadless. Assumed external output. Starting check for combinatorial feedback cycles ... Starting logic simplification ... Combinational logic reduced to 7 function generators. Estimated no. of CLBs (combinational logic only) 4 Maximum LP2P 1 Maximum no. of levels is 1 Writing file hex2led.xnf ... 7 FMAPs generated