trce bdes.ncd -a -v 3 -o bdes.twr Loading device database for application trce from file "bdes.ncd". "bdes" is an NCD, version 2.27, device xc4010xl, package pq208, speed -1 Loading device for application trce from file '4010xl.nph' in environment C:/fndtn. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Xilinx TRACE, Version M1.5.21 Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Design file: bdes.ncd Physical constraint file: bdes.pcf Device,speed: xc4010xl,-1 (x1_0.37 1.22 FINAL) Report level: verbose report, limited to 3 items per constraint -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timing summary: --------------- Timing errors: 7 Score: 11381 Constraints cover 7720 paths, 0 nets, and 2846 connections (83.7% coverage) Design statistics: Minimum period: 23.011ns (Maximum frequency: 43.457MHz) Analysis completed Tue Oct 06 16:50:29 1998 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total time: 19 secs