PAR: Xilinx Place And Route M1.5.20. Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Tue Oct 06 15:08:13 1998 par -w -ol 4 -i 4 -t 1 -n 5 -s 5 map.ncd ../p4.dir bdes.pcf Constraints file: bdes.pcf Loading device database for application par from file "C:/TEMP/xil_93". "bdes" is an NCD, version 2.27, device xc4010xl, package pq208, speed -1 Finished resolving physical constraints. Device utilization summary: Number of External IOBs 103 out of 160 64% Flops: 0 Latches: 0 Number of Global Buffer IOBs 2 out of 8 25% Flops: 0 Latches: 0 Number of CLBs 350 out of 400 87% Total Latches: 0 out of 800 0% Total CLB Flops: 441 out of 800 55% 4 input LUTs: 657 out of 800 82% 3 input LUTs: 153 out of 400 38% Number of BUFGLSs 2 out of 8 25% Overall effort level (-ol): 4 (set by user) Placer effort level (-pl): 4 (default) Placer cost table entry (-t): 5 Router effort level (-rl): 4 (default) Timing method (-kpaths|-dfs): -kpaths (default) Starting initial Timing Analysis. REAL time: 7 secs Finished initial Timing Analysis. REAL time: 11 secs Starting initial Placement phase. REAL time: 11 secs Finished initial Placement phase. REAL time: 12 secs Starting Constructive Placer. REAL time: 12 secs Placer score = 754183 Placer score = 551797 Placer score = 505818 Placer score = 457539 Placer score = 432095 Placer score = 422974 Placer score = 392624 Placer score = 379694 Placer score = 344762 Placer score = 342905 Placer score = 331893 Placer score = 306433 Placer score = 288335 Placer score = 270203 Placer score = 266338 Placer score = 253241 Placer score = 240842 Placer score = 221689 Placer score = 210158 Placer score = 206671 Placer score = 204537 Placer score = 198047 Placer score = 195552 Placer score = 194146 Placer score = 189196 Placer score = 188735 Placer score = 187637 Placer score = 187078 Placer score = 186158 Placer score = 186130 Placer score = 184374 Placer score = 182191 Placer score = 182065 Placer score = 180618 Placer score = 180037 Placer score = 179709 Placer score = 179293 Placer score = 178577 Placer score = 177901 Placer score = 177691 Placer score = 177481 Placer score = 177361 Finished Constructive Placer. REAL time: 8 mins 53 secs Writing design to file "../p4.dir/4_4_5.ncd". Starting Optimizing Placer. REAL time: 8 mins 53 secs Optimizing .. Swapped 14 comps. Xilinx Placer [6] 177121 REAL time: 9 mins 24 secs Optimizing .. Swapped 2 comps. Xilinx Placer [7] 177121 REAL time: 9 mins 54 secs Finished Optimizing Placer. REAL time: 9 mins 54 secs Writing design to file "../p4.dir/4_4_5.ncd". Total REAL time to Placer completion: 9 mins 55 secs Total CPU time to Placer completion: 9 mins 50 secs 0 connection(s) routed; 3402 unrouted. Starting router resource preassignment Completed router resource preassignment. REAL time: 10 mins 12 secs Starting iterative routing. Routing active signals. End of iteration 1 3402 successful; 0 unrouted; (2063264) REAL time: 10 mins 44 secs Improving timing. End of iteration 2 3402 successful; 0 unrouted; (30306) REAL time: 11 mins 53 secs WARNING:basrt:188 - Routing for this placement can not meet all timing constraints. It may have as many as 2 timing errors. Routing PWR/GND nets. Power and ground nets completely routed. End of iteration 3 3402 successful; 0 unrouted; (23625) REAL time: 14 mins 1 secs End of iteration 4 3402 successful; 0 unrouted; (25166) REAL time: 16 mins 1 secs Writing design to file "../p4.dir/4_4_5.ncd". Starting cleanup WARNING:basrt:188 - Routing for this placement can not meet all timing constraints. It may have as many as 3 timing errors. Improving routing. End of cleanup iteration 1 3402 successful; 0 unrouted; (24448) REAL time: 17 mins 36 secs Writing design to file "../p4.dir/4_4_5.ncd". Total REAL time: 17 mins 37 secs Total CPU time: 17 mins 24 secs End of route. 3402 routed (100.00%); 0 unrouted. No errors found. Completely routed. The design submitted for place and route did not meet the specified timing requirements. Please use the static timing analysis tools (TRCE or Timing Analyzer) to report which constraints were not met. To obtain a better result, you may try the following: * Use the Re-entrant routing feature to run more router iterations on the design. * Check the timing constraints to make sure the design is not over-constrained. * Specify a higher placer effort level, if possible. * Specify a higher router effort level. * Use the Multi-Pass PAR (MPPR) feature. This generates multiple placement trials from which the best (i.e., lowest design score) placement can be used with re-entrant routing to obtain a better result. Please consult the Development System Reference Guide for more detailed information about the usage options pertaining to these features. Total REAL time to Router completion: 17 mins 41 secs Total CPU time to Router completion: 17 mins 27 secs Generating PAR statistics. The Delay Summary Report The Score for this design is: 18210 The Number of signals not completely routed for this design is: 0 The Average Connection Delay for this design is: 4.086 ns The Average Connection Delay on critical nets is: 0.000 ns The Average Clock Skew for this design is: 0.199 ns The Maximum Pin Delay is: 20.723 ns The Average Connection Delay on the 10 Worst Nets is: 15.658 ns Listing Pin Delays by value: (ns) d <= 10 < d <= 20 < d <= 30 < d <= 40 < d <= 50 d > 50 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 3272 129 1 0 0 0 Timing Score: 24448 WARNING:baspw:101 - Timing constraints have not been met. Asterisk (*) preceding a constraint indicates it was not met. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Constraint | Requested | Actual | Logic | | | Levels -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * TS_01 = PERIOD TIMEGRP "clk" 20 nS HIG | 20.000ns | 23.622ns | 8 H 50.000 % | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 constraint not met. Writing design to file "../p4.dir/4_4_5.ncd". All signals are completely routed. Total REAL time to PAR completion: 17 mins 50 secs Total CPU time to PAR completion: 17 mins 34 secs PAR done.