PAR: Xilinx Place And Route M1.3.7. Copyright (c) 1995-1997 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Fri Oct 17 08:55:21 1997 par -w -l 4 -d 0 map.ncd epiclab.ncd epiclab.pcf Constraints file: epiclab.pcf Placement level-cost: 4-1 Loading device database for application par from file "map.ncd". "ONECLOCK" is an NCD, version 2.27, device xc4005xl, package pc84, speed -1 Loading device for application par from file '4005xl.nph' in environment C:/Xilinx. Device speed data version: x1_0.35.1.4 3.7ag PRELIMINARY. Device utilization summary: IO 5/112 4% used 5/61 8% bonded LOGIC 10/196 5% used SPECIAL 1/1167 0% used CLKIOB 1/8 12% used IOB 4/112 3% used CLB 10/196 5% used BUFGLS 1/8 12% used Starting initial Placement phase. REAL time: 12 secs Finished initial Placement phase. REAL time: 12 secs Starting Constructive Placer. REAL time: 12 secs . Placer score = 15780 Placer score = 13680 Placer score = 12780 Placer score = 12240 Placer score = 10080 Placer score = 8340 Placer score = 7740 Placer score = 6660 Placer score = 4140 Placer score = 3480 Placer score = 2700 Placer score = 2640 Finished Constructive Placer. REAL time: 26 secs Dumping design to file "epiclab.ncd". Starting Optimizing Placer. REAL time: 26 secs Optimizing Swapped 3 comps. Xilinx Placer [1] 2520 REAL time: 26 secs Finished Optimizing Placer. REAL time: 26 secs Dumping design to file "epiclab.ncd". Total REAL time to Placer completion: 26 secs Total CPU time to Placer completion: 26 secs 0 connection(s) routed; 67 unrouted. Starting router resource preassignment Completed router resource preassignment. Real time: 27 secs Starting iterative routing. End of iteration 1 67 successful; 0 unrouted; (0) real time: 27 secs Constraints are met. Power and ground nets completely routed. Dumping design to file "epiclab.ncd". Starting cleanup End of cleanup iteration 1 67 successful; 0 unrouted; (0) real time: 28 secs Dumping design to file "epiclab.ncd". Total CPU time 28 secs Total REAL time: 28 secs Completely routed. End of route. 67 routed (100.00%); 0 unrouted. No errors found. Total REAL time to Router completion: 28 secs Total CPU time to Router completion: 28 secs Generating PAR statistics. The Delay Summary Report The Score for this design is: 184 The Number of signals not completely routed for this design is: 0 The Average Connection Delay for this design is: 1.466 ns The Average Connection Delay on critical nets is: 0.000 ns The Average Clock Skew for this design is: 0.031 ns The Maximum Pin Delay is: 3.591 ns The Average Connection Delay on the 10 Worst Nets is: 1.907 ns Listing Pin Delays by value: (ns) d <= 10 < d <= 20 < d <= 30 < d <= 40 < d <= 50 d > 50 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 67 0 0 0 0 0 Timing Score: 0 Dumping design to file "epiclab.ncd". All signals are completely routed. Total REAL time to PAR completion: 30 secs Total CPU time to PAR completion: 30 secs PAR done.