ngdbuild: version M1.5.19 Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Command Line: ngdbuild -p 9500XL calc_b.edn Launcher: "" is up to date. Reading NGO file "F:/xlnx/proj/calc_b/" ... Reading component libraries for design expansion... Annotating constraints to design from file "calc_b.ucf" ... Checking timing specifications ... Checking expanded design ... WARNING:basnu:113 - logical net "H5/ADDSUB1/OFL" has no load WARNING:basnu:113 - logical net "H6/$I7/CEO" has no load WARNING:basnu:113 - logical net "H6/$I7/TC" has no load NGDBUILD Design Results Summary: Number of errors: 0 Number of warnings: 3 Writing NGD file "calc_b.ngd" ... Writing NGDBUILD log file "calc_b.bld"...