ngdbuild -p xc9536-5-vq44 -uc d:\95prglab\j_cnt\j_cnt.ucf -dd .. d:\95prglab\j_cnt\j_cnt.edn j_cnt.ngd ngdbuild: version M1.5.19 Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Command Line: ngdbuild -p xc9536-5-vq44 -uc d:\95prglab\j_cnt\j_cnt.ucf -dd .. d:\95prglab\j_cnt\j_cnt.edn j_cnt.ngd Launcher: Executing edif2ngd "d:\95prglab\j_cnt\j_cnt.edn" "d:\95prglab\j_cnt\xproj\ver1\" edif2ngd: version M1.5.19 Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. Writing the design to "d:/95prglab/j_cnt/xproj/ver1/"... Reading NGO file "d:/95prglab/j_cnt/xproj/ver1/" ... Reading component libraries for design expansion... Annotating constraints to design from file "d:/95prglab/j_cnt/j_cnt.ucf" ... Checking timing specifications ... Checking expanded design ... NGDBUILD Design Results Summary: Number of errors: 0 Number of warnings: 0 Writing NGD file "j_cnt.ngd" ... Writing NGDBUILD log file "j_cnt.bld"... NGDBUILD done. ================================================== hitop -f j_cnt.ngd -d j_cnt -s -l j_cnt.log -o j_cnt Optimizer/Partitioner: version M1.5.19 (c) Copyright 1989-1997 Xilinx Inc. All rights reserved. Reading j_cnt.ngd Considering device XC9536-VQ44. Flattening design.. Timing optimization Timing driven global resource optimization General global resource optimization........ Re-checking device resources ... Mapping a total of 8 equations into 2 function blocks........ Design j_cnt has been optimized and fit into device XC9536-5-VQ44. ================================================== taengine -f j_cnt -l j_cnt.tim Timing Report Generator: version M1.5.19 (c) Copyright 1989-1997 Xilinx Inc. All rights reserved. Path tracing ..... The number of paths traced: 57. Generating performance summary ... Generating Pad-to-Pad delay section ... Generating Clock-to-Output-Pad delay section ... Generating Setup-To-Clock-At-Pad delay section ... Generating Register-To-Register delay section ... Cycle time table for clock $Net00001_ ... j_cnt.tim has been created. ================================================== tsim j_cnt.vm6 j_cnt.nga Timing Simulation Interface: version M1.5.19 (c) Copyright 1989-1997 Xilinx Inc. All rights reserved. Creating NGA for simulation. ================================================== ngd2edif -w j_cnt.nga time_sim.edn ngd2edif: version M1.5.19 Copyright (c) 1995-1998 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved. writing only delay properties to EDIF file dedicated signals will be given local scope running NGD DRC ... WARNING:basnu:110 - NOTE: This design contains the undriven net "PRLD" which you could drive during simulation to get valid results. writing EDIF file to "time_sim.edn" ... ================================================== xcpy time_sim.edn d:\95prglab\j_cnt\time_sim.edn ================================================== hplusas6 -i j_cnt -s -a -l j_cnt.log -o fe_temp Fitter1: version M1.5.19 (c) Copyright 1989-1997 Xilinx Inc. All rights reserved. ================================================== hprep6 -i fe_temp -r jed -a -l j_cnt.log -n j_cnt Programming File Generator: version M1.5.19 (c) Copyright 1989-1997 Xilinx Inc. All rights reserved. Signature length is limited to 4 characters, using 'j_cn'. ================================================== xcpy j_cnt.jed d:\95prglab\j_cnt\j_cnt.jed