Xilinx developed its configuration PROMs to provide an
easy-to-use, high-performance programming solution. Our
comprehensive PROM product lines are designed to meet the same
stringent demands as our high-performance FPGAs and CPLDs.
Xilinx PROM Offerings
In-System Programmable (ISP) or One-Time Programmable (OTP)
Industry-leading density (up to 16 Mb)
Broad package offering (6 packages ranging from 8-pin DIPP to
44-pin VQFP)
Supports fast configuration mode of 264 Mbps (33 MHz) found on
some Xilinx FPGA families
XC18V00 family provides serial-load and parallel-load
configuration modes and is compatible with both Virtex and Spartan
series FPGAs
XC17S00 family specially designed for use with Spartan-series
family designed to support Virtex series FPGA configuration