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How to Order Your LogiCORE PCI/PCI-X Product

Please follow the following steps to order any of the PCI products listed in the table below.

Step 1. Order LogiCORE Product

Order the desired product through your local Xilinx sales representative. Part number and product content are listed in the table below.

Step 2. Register Online

When you receive the product in the mail, go to to register for Xilinx PCI Lounges, where the core design files reside. During the registration process, you will set up your unique user name and password, and provide the product serial number, which is listed on the registration card included in the product package.
Step 3. Configure and Download
After being approved for Xilinx PCI Lounges, you can configure and download your unique PCI core. LogiCORE customers can always go back to the PCI Lounge to reconfigure the desired core and download it again. The downloaded archive includes HDL (VHDL and/or Verilog) wrappers, simulation models, implementation constraints that guarantee the timing and the LogiCORE PCI netlist. The PCI lounges also include online documentation, reference designs, and other information.

Additional PCI Products and Services

Product Information

Product Part Number Description Accessible Design Files Prototyping Board Driver Development Tools Miscellaneous/Comments
DO-DI-PCIX64-VE 64-bit, 66 MHz PCI-X
64/32-bit 33 MHz PCI
PCI-X64/66 Virtex-E
PCI64/33 Virtex-E
Not included Not included All design files and docs delivered over the Internet
DO-DI-PCI32-SP 32-bit PCI for Spartan family PCI32 Spartan-II
PCI32 Spartan-XL
PCI32 Spartan
No No Single Use License
DO-DI-PCI32-S 32-bit PCI for Spartan family PCI32 Spartan-II
PCI32 Spartan-XL
PCI32 Spartan
No No All design files and docs delivered over the Internet.
DO-DI-PCI32-DK 32-bit PCI Design Kit Same as DO-DI-PCI32-S plus:
PCI32 Virtex-E
PCI32 Virtex
PCI32 4000XLA
VCC HotPCI board with XCS40 PQ208 Compuware NuMega SoftICE Driver Suite PCI Systems Architecture Text Book,
Printed Design Guide
DO-DI-PCI64 64/32-bit 33/66 MHz PCI Same design files as
DO-DI-PCI32-DK plus:
PCI64/66 Virtex-E
PCI64/66 Virtex
PCI64 Spartan-II
Not included Not included All design files and docs delivered over the Internet
DO-DI-PCI64-DK 64/32-bit 66/33 MHz Design Kit Same design files as DO-DI-PCI64 Nallatech Ballyinx 64-bit 66 MHz PCI Prototyping Card with XCV300 BG432 Compuware NuMega SoftICE Driver Suite PCI Systems Architecture Text Book
Printed Design Guide
DX-DI-64IP-XVE Upgrade from DO-DI-PCI64 to DO-DI-PCIX64-VE
DX-DI-M2DK-DK Upgrade from DO-DI-PCIM (obsolete) to DO-DI-PCI32-DK*
DX-DI-S2DK-DK Upgrade from DO-DI-PCIS (obsolete) to DO-DI-PCI32-DK*
DX-DI-PCI32-DK Upgrade from DO-DI-PCI32-S to DO-DI-PCI32-DK*
DX-DI-PCI64 Upgrade from DO-DI-PCI32-DK to DO-DI-PCI64*
DX-DI-PCI64-DK Upgrade from DO-DI-PCI64 to DO-DI-PCI64-DK*
* Requires a valid maintenance contract.

For more information on Xilinx PCI products, please contact your local Xilinx Sales Office. Upon purchasing a Xilinx PCI product, please review the LogiCORE License Agreement or the pdfXilinx Core Project License Agreement. Xilinx PCI customers are required to review the LogiCORE license before accessing the password protected PCI lounges.

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