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eSP - Emerging Standards and Protocols

eSP is the industry's first web portal dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions that accelerate the devlopment of products based upon emerging standards and protocols.

Processor Central

Processor Central provides the information and resources you need to get the maximum benefit from our programmable solution joined with your preferred microprocessor architecture and tool set.

Xilinx at Work

Providing complete system solutions, Xilinx at Work allows you to rapidly develop tommorow's cutting-edge consumer technology, today.

Xilinx Online

Access and upgrade hardware from your desktop anywhere in the world with Internet Reconfigurable Logic(IRL)

Memory Corner

A one-stop memory shop providing solutions for leading-edge memory technology

Wireless Connection

An overview of the wireless communications industry and advantages of using Xilinx FPGAs.

Communications & Networking

An overview of IP Cores, Building Blocks and Expertise for Communications and Networking applications

Video & Image Processing

An overview of FPGA Solutions for High Performance Video and Image Processing

Xilinx DSP

A comprehensive suite of world class tools and devices for the most challenging communications, data, audio and video applications for up to 0.6 Tera MAC performance.

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