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The mission of the Xilinx Online program is to enable, identify and promote any network connected Xilinx programmable system that can be fixed, upgraded, or otherwise modified after the system has been deployed in the field. The design technology for creating Xilinx Online applications is called Internet Reconfigurable Logic or IRL™. IRL consists of robust PLD technology, your network connectivity and software design tools. Put these individual pieces together and network-based hardware upgradability becomes a reality. 

EDN Magazine (Europe) provides an in-depth look at the technical and business issues of using FPGAs for field upgradability in its article "FPGAs + the Internet = upgradable products". See the November, 2000 cover story in EDN Magazine or send an email to us and we will mail you a copy.

Demonstrations of IRL Technology

Marconi/Celoxica MMT 2000
The MMT 2000 MultiMedia (pdf) demonstration Terminal.

XCoNET board
The joint University of Hawaii / Xilinx XCoNET (Chips-On-the -Net) demonstration.

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