CHANGES Java(R) 2 SDK, Standard Edition Java(R) 2 Runtime Environment JDK/JRE 1.2.2-001 11/15/99 This CHANGES file summarizes the changes between the FCS version of JDK/JRE 1.2.2 and this patch version, JDK/JRE 1.2.2-001. For changes in the Java platform since earlier releases, see the following document on the Java Software web site: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTRODUCTION ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is patch 001 of the 1.2.2 version of the Java Development Kit. For each patch release of the 1.2.2 version, it is the Java(R) 2 SDK Windows 95/98/NT production release, and the Solaris(tm) reference implementation of the Java 2 SDK source base. For the WIN32 production release, the Java(tm) Plug-in product is included with the JRE 1.2.2 software. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BUGS FIXED IN PATCH JDK/JRE 1.2.2-001 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4256530 - accessClassInPackage permission does not get overidden. 4242924 - Use aggressive classloading to avoid deadlock in SecurityManager. 4262807 - Support needed for large applet deployment. 4208960 - TimeZone.getOffset doesn't work with february 29th. 4254589 - Doc: GregorianCalendar needs to specify behavior for leap year add/roll. 4237348 - Spec/docs inconsistent with impl on Date.parse with 2-digit year Bug fixes 4254589 and 4237348 requires clarification on the documentation only.Please refer to the online documentation at for the updated changes. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- WIN32 BINARIES AFFECTED BY FIXES IN THIS PATCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ jre/lib/rt.jar jre/lib/jaws.jar jre/bin/npjava11.dll jre/bin/npjava32.dll jre/bin/beans.ocx jre/bin/classic/jvm.dll ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOLARIS BINARIES AFFECTED BY FIXES IN THIS PATCH ------------------------------------------------------------------------ jre/lib/rt.jar jre/lib/sparc/classic/ jre/lib/sparc/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- PROBLEM REPORTING ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If a problem is found with this patch, please report it in detail to the Sun Support Engineer that released this patch to you. The Sun Support Engineer will relay the reported problem to the Sustaining Engineering group responsible for the patch.