README Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition Version 1.3.0 The Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment contains the Java virtual machine, runtime class libraries, and Java application launcher that are necessary to run programs written in the Java progamming language. It is not a development environment and does not contain development tools such as compilers or debuggers. For development tools, see the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, v1.3. The Java 2 Runtime Environment includes the Java Plug-in product which enables support for the Java 2 platform on recent releases of Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer. For more information, see the Plug-in web page at . ======================================================================= Deploying Applications with the Java 2 Runtime Environment ======================================================================= A Java-language application, unlike an applet, cannot rely on a web browser for installation and runtime services. When you deploy an application written in the Java programming language, your software bundle will probably consist of the following parts: Your own class, resource, and data files. A runtime environment. An installation procedure or program. You already have the first part, of course. The remainder of this document covers the other two parts. See also the Notes for Developers page on the Java Software website: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Runtime Environment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- To run your application, a user needs a Java virtual machine, the Java platform core classes, and various support programs and files. This collection of software is known as a runtime environment. The Java 2 SDK software can serve as a runtime environment. However, you probably can't assume your users have the Java 2 SDK installed, and your Java 2 SDK license doesn't allow you to redistribute SDK files. To solve this problem, Sun provides the Java 2 Runtime Environment as a free, redistributable runtime environment. The final step in the deployment process occurs when the software is installed on individual user system. Installation consists of copying software onto the user's system, then configuring the user's system to support that software. This step includes installing and configuring the runtime environment. If you use the Java 2 Runtime Environment, you must make sure that your installation procedure never overwrites an existing installation, unless the existing runtime environment is an older version. The Win32 version of the Java 2 Runtime Environment is distributed as a self-installing executable. A simple way to redistribute the Java 2 Runtime Environment is to include this executable in your software bundle. You can then have your installation program run the executable to install the Java 2 Runtime Environment, or simply instruct the user to install the Java 2 Runtime Environment before installing the rest of your bundle. In this installation model, the end-user will have a "public" copy of the Java 2 Runtime Environment just as if it had been downloaded from Sun's website and installed separately. The Runtime Environment's installation program records program information in the Windows Registry. This registry information includes the software version, which you should compare with the Java 2 Runtime Environment version in your software bundle. For more information, refer to the Notes for Developers on the Java Software web site: Another approach is to install the Java 2 Runtime Environment on your own system, then copy the files you need into your application's own installation set for redistribution. If you choose this approach, you must include all files except those described as "optional" in the "Redistrubition of the Java 2 runtime environment" section of this README. The Java 2 Runtime Environment software can only be redistributed if all "required" files are included. See the license file for specifics. If you use this approach, do not try to emulate the installation steps performed by the Java 2 Runtime Environment installer. You might "break" an existing runtime environment installation by missing a new or undocumented installation step. Instead, you should include the Java 2 Runtime Environment files in your own application directory. In effect, your application has its own "private" copy of the Java 2 Runtime Environment. The Java 2 Runtime Environment includes Java Plug-in software, which enables Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer to support the Java 2 platform. To develop applets that use Java Plug-in software, see the Java Plug-in product page on the Java Software web site: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Winsock Deployment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- If your application uses the networking classes, it may not run reliably under Winsock 1.1. If your networking application must support Windows 95, which includes Winsock 1.1, you will want to include a Winsock 2.0 install in your installation procedure. (Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98 include Winsock 2.0.) You can download the Winsock 2.0 from this address: The following URL contains information about how to determine if the Winsock 2.0 components are installed on a Windows 95 platform: ======================================================================= Redistribution of the Java 2 Runtime Environment ======================================================================= The term "vendors" used here refers to licensees, developers, and independent software vendors (ISVs) who license and distribute the Java 2 Runtime Environment with their programs. Vendors must follow the terms of the Binary Code License agreement which include, among others: - Arbitrary subsetting of the Java 2 Runtime Environment is not allowed. See the section below entitled "Required vs. Optional Files" for those files that may be optionally omitted from redistributions of the runtime environment. - You must include in your product's license the provisions called out in the Binary Code license. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Required vs. Optional Files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Licensees must follow the terms of the Java 2 Runtime Environment license. The files that make up the Java 2 Runtime Environment are divided into two categories: required and optional. Optional files may be excluded from redistributions of the Java 2 Runtime Environment at the licensee's discretion. The following sections contain lists of the files that may be optionally omitted from redistributions with the Java 2 Runtime Environment. All files not in these lists of optional files must be included in redistributions of the runtime environment. The Java 2 Runtime Environment includes the bin and lib directories which both must reside in the same directory, called in the lists below. All paths are relative to the directory. Note that the native code C runtime library, msvcrt.dll, is located in the Windows system directory. This file should be included in redistributions of the Win32 version of the Java 2 Runtime Environment. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Optional Files and Directories ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All font properties files in the lib directory other than the default lib\ file are optional, and vendors may choose not to include them in redistributions of the Java 2 Runtime Environment. In addition, the following may be optionally excluded from redistributions: bin\beans.ocx Plugin ActiveX control lib\jaws.jar Plugin classes lib\i18n.jar Character conversion classes and all other locale support lib\ext\ Directory containing extension jar files bin\rmid.exe Java RMI Activation System Daemon bin\rmiregistry.exe Java Remote Object Registry bin\tnameserv.exe Java IDL Name Server bin\keytool.exe Key and Certificate Management Tool bin\policytool.exe Policy File Creation and Management Tool ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Redistribution of Java 2 SDK Files ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition, may not be redistributed. However, the limited set of files from the Win32 version of the SDK listed below may be included in vendor redistributions of the Java 2 Runtime Environment. All paths are relative to the top-level directory of the SDK. - jre/lib/cmm/ Color-management profile. This file is required only if the Java 2D API is used to perform color map conversions. - All .ttf font files in the jre/lib/fonts directory. Note that the LucidaSansRegular.ttf font is already contained in the Java 2 Runtime Environment, so there is no need to bring that file over from the SDK. - jre/lib/audio/ This is a MIDI soundbank used by the software MIDI synthesizer. MIDI synthesis is commmonly available in hardware or as part of the operating system on modern Win32 systems. On these systems, MIDI synthesis may be supported through these native services rather than through use of the software synthesizer, and the file may not be required. To reduce the size of the Runtime Environment's download bundle, the soundbank has been removed from the Java 2 Runtime Environment. However, a soundbank file may be included in redistributions of the Runtime Environment at the vendor's discretion. A minimal soundbank file ( is included with the SDK. This minimal soundbank and a selection of enhanced MIDI soundbanks are available from the Java Sound web site: Any of these soundbanks may be included in redistributions of the Java 2 Runtime Environment. These soundbanks also may be installed to enable software MIDI synthesis in distributions which did not include a soundbank, or to upgrade the quality of software MIDI synthesis in distributions which included the minimal soundbank file. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This product includes code licensed from RSA Data Security. Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Sun Microsystems(tm), Inc. 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303-4900 All rights reserved.