version : @(#)jvm.jcov.txt 1.1 99/06/22 JCOV support in JDK1.3 Up to JDK1.2.x Jcov runtime support has been an integral part of the debug version of the Javasoft's JVM, therefore it could not work with any other JVMs. In JDK1.3 all Jcov support was isolated in a separate library and implemented basing upon the Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface (JVMPI), so it theoretically can work with any JVM that support JVMPI. This library is loaded by a JVM at its startup, if the -Xrunjcov option is specified. For more information about how JVM finds and loads libraries passed via the -Xrun JVM's option, please consult JVMPI docs. usage: java [other java options] -Xrunjcov[:][help]|[