#------------------------------------------------------------- # This is a temporay license for both the Xilinx Foundation # Series and Xilinx Foundation Series ISE Express synthesis # tools. This license is not locked to any specific machine. # # Set your LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to point to # this file until you have installed your permanent license # file. In some cases, the Xilinx software installer will # have already set this environment variable for you. # # set LM_LICENSE_FILE=%XILINX%\data\license.dat # # During the software registration and install process, you # should have applied for and received a permanent FPGA # Express license.dat file. Once you have received this # file, place the permanent license.dat file in a directory # outside of the Xilinx install tree (default is C:\Flexlm) # Next, change the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable to # point to new location of your permanent license. # # set LM_LICENSE_FILE=c:\flexlm\license.dat # # Please see the Release Notes for additional # installation instructions. # # This license is nodelocked to Load-N-Go, HOSTID=ANY PC # This license is uncounted. It does NOT require nor # SUPPORT running lmgrd. # # The following increment line enables the Foundation Base Express # Package" # INCREMENT FND-BSX-PC xilinxd 1.000 29-JAN-2002 0 0CF8024E767C36E68166 \ "XSJ_load_n_go" DEMO # # # The following increment line enables the Foundation ISE Base Package # INCREMENT FSE-BSX-PC xilinxd 1.000 29-JAN-2002 0 5C78324E0C18652E6589 \ "XSJ_load_n_go" DEMO # #---------------------------------------- # # Package Definitions Follow: # These are REQUIRED for your license to work properly. # #------------- Xilinx Foundation Series Software ------------------------- # PACKAGE FND-BSX-PC xilinxd 1.000 6070A091E8F14FDA69A7 \ COMPONENTS="FPGA-Express-RL2100:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-VHDL-Base:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-VLOG-Base:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-XC3k-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-XC4k-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-XC5k-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-VIRTEX-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-XC9k-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express:1997.07 " # #------------ Xilinx Foundation Series ISE Software --------------------- # PACKAGE FSE-BSX-PC xilinxd 1.000 D08020B1FB281CE4CEFC \ COMPONENTS="FPGA-Express-RL2100:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-VHDL-Base:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-VLOG-Base:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-XC3k-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-XC4k-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-XC5k-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-VIRTEX-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express-XC9k-Optimizer:2001.09 \ FPGA-Express:1997.07 " # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #