Chapter 1, “Introduction,”
describes the Mentor Graphics Design Manager™ Interface, the Xilinx design
flow, key features, inputs and outputs, and the architectures with which
they work.
Chapter 2, “Getting
describes how to configure your system for the Mentor Graphics
Design Manager, and how to invoke and exit the Mentor Graphics Design Manager.
Chapter 3, “Schematic
describes how to use the Mentor Graphics Design Manager and
Design Architect™ to design with pure schematic designs. It covers, schematic
design entry, functional simulation, implementation, and timing simulation.
Chapter 4, “HDL
describes how to use the Mentor Graphics Interface to design
with pure HDL designs. It covers, HDL design entry, functional simulation,
implementation, and timing simulation.
Chapter 5, “Mixed
Designs with VHDL on Top,”
describes how to use the Mentor Graphics
Interface to design with mixed schematic and VHDL designs with VHDL on
Top. It covers, design entry, functional simulation, implementation, and
timing simulation.
Chapter 6, “Mixed
Designs with Schematic on Top,”
describes how to use the Mentor Graphics
Interface to design with mixed schematic and VHDL designs with schematic
on top. It covers, design entry, functional simulation, implementation,
and timing simulation.
Chapter 7, “Mentor/Xilinx
Flow Manager,”
describes how to use the Mentor/Xilinx Flow Manager
to guide you through the design process.
Chapter 8, “Advanced
describes useful design and simulation techniques that
were not covered in the other sections of this manual.
Chapter 9, “Manual
describes how to manually process your design from the
operating system command line.