This file explains how to use the NIST Switch software to set up and test Label Switched Paths (LSPs). 1. Once you have installed all the software, made the kernel, made the label module and rebooted the machine, load the label module using kldload label 2. Run rsvpd either in debug mode using rsvpd -D -d63 -l20 -t5 or as a daemon. 3. Run rtest at the sender to start sending path messages with label request: rtest As an example, assume you have the following topology and wish to set up LSP R1-R4. R1---------R2----------R3---------R4 where R1 = R2 =, R3 =, R4 = Here is a "transcript" of the setup: # rtest 3476 5678 Should PATH-message include a label-request-object (0-No, 1-Yes) 1 Should This Session be set up as a LSP Tunnel (0-No, 1-Yes) 1 Specify the number of route entities (max. 10): 2 Route Entry: Flag IP-Addr(x.x.x.x) Prefix (0-Strict) (1-Loose) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 32 Route Entry: Flag IP-Addr(x.x.x.x) Prefix (0-Strict) (1-Loose) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 32 This will send the path message from R1 to R4 thru R2 and R3. If you wish to test lsp tunnels, the has no effect and the serves as the tunnel id. You can also test layer 4 switching by replying No to the second question and thus have udp data which satisfies the src and dest addr and port be labeled and nothing else. To actually set up the tunnel you need to send the reservation message from the dest. There are two ways to do this. If you are running rsvpd in debug mode then you can start a session and then send a fixed filter reservation to the src. Otherwise you can use the rapirecv program as: rapirecv B/W peak 4. To see the label-table on any machine use the print_table utility.