CHANGES IN /apitools/ DIRECTORY CHANGES IN 4.2a4 RELEASE: rtap_cmds.c: Use interface index rather than address for multicast membership join for IPv6. Fixes for the hex dump debugging code. scrapi.c scrapi.h Added new SCRAPI library. CHANGES IN 4.2a3 RELEASE: rtap_cmds.c: Fix bugs in coding and specification of hexmsg command. CHANGES IN 4.2a2 RELEASE: rtap_cmds.c: Support "T+" and "T-" in addition to "Tnn" for selecting thread. rtap_cmds.c: Fix bug: once a sender command with an explicit source host was specified, the source host did not revert to the default. Fix bug: receive cmd was not joining group on specified address. rtap_cmds.c: Remove obsolete [R]API support and obsolete int-serv flowspec/Tspec formats. rtap_cmds.c: Status command fixed for no session case. CHANGES IN 4.2a1 RELEASE: This directory now contains tools which are rapi API based. rtap_cmds.c: The sender command now allows entry of an arbitrary Adspec (for testing the Adspec support in rsvpd). ratp_cmds.c: Fix logic for gpi sessions. ______________________________ Bob Braden Steve Berson Subramanian Vincent Bob Lindell