/* * @(#) $Id: README,v 1.8 1998/08/18 17:31:17 lindell Exp $ */ This directory contains several tools that may be used with rsvpd. These tools are all based on the rapi API. Release 4.2a4. FILES This directory contains: Makefile: The makefile README: This file filter.c: A program to dynamically restrict debug output by session rtap_main.c: An application program for testing rsvp COMPILATION In order to compile these files type 'make depend' and then 'make'. SUMMARY rtap: rtap is an interactive RSVP test application. The version in this directory creates a stand-alone rtap program; the same functionality is also integrated into rsvpd. For more info on rtap see rtap.8 in docs directory. This version also includes the former dlevel and dmask commands, controlling the logging information from rsvpd. filter: filter is a program to restrict rsvpd debugging output to specific sessions. The command 'filter on' turns filtering on meaning that only limited debugging output will be generated by rsvpd. Individual sessions can have their debugging output completely printed by activating a filter, 'filter +'. Similarly 'filter -' limits the debugging for destination address Finally 'filter off' restores full debugging output printing for all sessions. libscrapi.a: A simplified RSVP API library, described in draft-lindell-rsvp-scrapi-xx Internet Draft. There is a slight difference between this implementation and the draft. I have moved the service parameter from the sender call to the receiver call. This will be documented in the next version of the draft.