.TH FILTER 8 "20 Sept 95" .SH NAME filter \- select which sessions of RSVP debugging output are displayed .SH SYNOPSIS .na .B filter [ .B on ] [ .B off .I node_name ] [ .B [+/\-] address ] .br .ad .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \fIFilter\fP selects which RSVP messages are selected according to the IP address. In the normal operation of \fIrsvpd\fP, all debugging messages of all sessions are logged as requested by the debugging mask and debugging level. \fIFilter\fP allows a user to request that messages of only specific sessions specified by IP address are logged. By default, \fIrsvpd\fP has filtering turned off. The \fIon\fP and \fIoff\fP options turn filtering on and off respectively. When filtering is on, IP addresses to filter on can be added and removed from the current filtering list. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B on Turn on filtering .TP .B off Turn off filtering .TP .B [+]address Adds \fIaddress\fP to the list of RSVP sessions for which RSVP debugging messages are printed. .TP .B \-address Removes \fIaddress\fP from the list of RSVP sessions for which RSVP debugging messages are printed. .LP .ne 3 .SH "SEE ALSO" .TP rsvpd .cm .SH BUGS