.TH RSVPEEP 8 "20 Sept 95" .SH NAME rsvpeep \- display multicast RSVP state .SH SYNOPSIS .na .B rsvpeep [ .B \-n ] [ .B \-d .I address.port ] [ .I node_ID ] ... .br .ad .SH DESCRIPTION .LP The RSVP daemon \fIrsvpd\fP is capable of multicasting UDP packets containing diagnostic information (a summary of its internal state) periodically and whenever the state changes. \fIRsvpeep\fP is a command-line program to receive and display this state. By default \fIrsvpeep\fP will display state from all nodes. However, if one or more \fInode_ID\fP parameters occur, \fIrsvpeep\fP will display only the state from the specified node(s). A \fInode_ID\fP is the first component of the DNS name of a node. .SH OPTIONS .TP .B \-n Display all IP addresses in numeric (i.e., dotted-decimal) form, do not try to convert them to DNS names. .TP .B \-d When it is configured to multicast state, \fIrsvpd\fP multicasts the state to address and port 1427; by default, \fIrsvpeep\fP listens on this address and port. The \fB\-d\fP option causes \fIrsveep\fP to instead listen on IP address \fIaddress\fP and UDP port \fIport\fP; they are separated by a period. .LP .ne 3 .SH "SEE ALSO" .LP rsvpd, rstat .TP .cm .SH BUGS