.TH RTAP 8 "12 May 1998" .SH NAME rtap \- real-time application program .SH SYNOPSIS .na .B rtap [ .B \-f .I file_name ] .br .ad .SH DESCRIPTION .LP \fIRtap\fP is an interactive test program that drives the RSVP daemon through the RSVP API. \fIRtap\fP may be used either as a standalone application, or it may be linked directly into the RSVP daemon. \fIRtap\fP repeatedly displays the command prompt \*Q>\*U and executes each command as it is entered. For the standalone version, \fB\-f\fP parameter will execute a stream of commands from the file \fIfile_name\fP; at the end of that file, \fIrtap\fP will enter interactive mode. Multiple sessions can be opened simultaneously. This man page describes the \fIrtap\fP program included with Release 4.2 of RSVP. This version of \fIrtap\fP can open multiple sessions simultaneously. .SH COMMANDS .LP Each \fIrtap\fP command is a single line, starting with the command verb. The command verb can be abbreviated. The command verb may optionally be preceded by a thread designator of the form: `Tn' where n is a positive integer. If there is no thread designator on a command, it assume the thread of the last designator that appeared. When \fIrtap\fP starts, thread T1 is assumed. The basic \fIrtap\fP commands are as follows:. .PP .HP \fBhelp\fP or \fB?\fP Display a complete list of \fIrtap\fP commands and their syntax. .HP \fBquit\fP Exit. .HP \fBdest\fP [/ ] Calls rapi_session() to define a new session by destination address and optional port. Any previous session for the same thread must have been closed. The required parameter must be one of the strings: `udp' or 'tcp', or `proto ', where is an integer IP protocol id. .HP \fBsender\fP [ [ /] \ [ ] ] Calls rapi_sender() to specify sender attributes and start sending path state. It may be issued repeatedly to modify the sender attributes. The destination from the most recent \fBdest\fP command is assumed. If the parameters are entirely omitted, the current sender is removed. The source host () parameter is optional; its default is the default IP address of the local node. The Tspec parameter is required. The TTL passed in the rapi_sender call is the most recent value specified in a \fBttl\fP command, or the default TTL value. The parameter is optional. .HP \fBreserve\fP [ ]