/* * @(#) $Id: README,v 4.7 1998/08/18 17:31:28 lindell Exp $ */ This directory contains several diagnostic tools that may be used with rsvpd. The tools in this directory (unlike those in the parallel apitools directory) are not simply applications; they are more intimately entangled with rsvpd. Release 4.2a4. FILES This directory contains: Makefile: The makefile README: This file rsvptrace.c: The client program for the RSVP Diagnostic message capability. rstat.c: A user program to query local/remote RSVP reservation state. rsvpeep.c: An diagnostic program to display RSVP state remotely COMPILATION In order to compile these files type 'make depend' and then 'make'. SUMMARY rsvptrace: This is the client program for the RSVP Diagnostic message capability, described in draft-ietf-rsvp-diagnostic-messages-xx Internet Draft. It gathers and displays reservation state hop-by-hop along a reverse path from a given starting node, upstream to a given sender, for a specified session. See rsvptrace.8 in docs directory. rstat: This is a simple query/response program that displays RSVP reservation and path state on a particular node, either local or remote. This is particular to the ISI implementation, and provides a subset of the capability of rsvptrace. See rstat.8 in docs directory. rsvpeep: This is a command-line tool to display RSVP soft state that is multicast by the RSVP daemon with the appropriate dlevel flag bit set. This is another ISI-specific capability. See rsvpeep.8 in docs directory.