The Future of HDSL

As telcos and private organizations continue to look for more efficient, timely, and cost-effective ways to connect users and networks, HDSL promises to play a vital role. As corporations increasingly rely on highly-available switching based backbone networks for their business needs, it becomes essential to extend the performance and bandwidth benefits of the backbone to all parts of the enterprise network to other corporate sites over existing copper wiring.

On the horizon, is an extension of HDSL, asymmetrical digital subscriber line (ADSL) capable of transmitting signals over copper cable at 6 mbps. ADSL uses an advanced signal processing technique that significantly transforms traditional copper transmission speeds. It sends signals in one direction at extreme speeds (up to 6 mbps), while the return channel operates at a more modest rate od 100 to 600 kbps. The ADSL channel is transparent to normal telephone activity and can be accomplished using the same copper pair.

Going forward, ADSL will have widespread impact and application. The power of the home computer - on-line shopping, banking, video phones and video on demand - can be made reality with ADSL, which uses the copper cable resources on hand in every residence. ADSL technology will make these advanced consumer applications economically feasible.

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