œ@:What type of file should C source code should be saved as?ANSIASCIIRTFHTMLDay 1 "Getting Started with C"ASCII6What is the proper extension for a C source code file?.C.txt.exe.comDay 1 "Getting Started with C".C,What type of code does the compiler produce?sourcehiddenobjectMorseDay 1 "Getting Started with C"object/What is the proper extension of an object file?.o.exe.obj both A and CDay 1 "Getting Started with C" both A and C'What step produces the executable code?editlinkcompilenone of the aboveDay 1 "Getting Started with C"link$What are C language routines called? procedures functionsmodulesnone of the aboveDay 1 "Getting Started with C" functions3What is the proper extension of an executable file?obj.C.txt.exeDay 1 "Getting Started with C".exe What kind of function is printf?librarycomplex integrated recursiveDay 1 "Getting Started with C"library4What are the C language reserved words often called? key wordssymbols charactersphrasesDay 1 "Getting Started with C" key words=What is the first step in the program development life cycle?compile the source link objectstest executable None of the aboveDay 1 "Getting Started with C"None of the above;What operating system is the Vi editor normally used under?DosWindowsUNIXOS/2Day 1 "Getting Started with C"UNIXEWhat files are joined together with object files in the link process?source executablelibrarytextDay 1 "Getting Started with C"library8How does the compiler help the programmer locate errors?flashing "error" on the screen'displaying the line number of the errorfixing the errorignoring the errorDay 1 "Getting Started with C"'displaying the line number of the error:The C compiler requires this character to end a statement: semi coloncolonreturn quoteDay 1 "Getting Started with C" semi colon%What is the compile command for UNIX?ccclbcctccDay 1 "Getting Started with C"cc,What is the compile command for Microsoft C?ccclbcctccDay 1 "Getting Started with C"clEWhat is the next step in the program development cycle after compile?executeeditlinkcompileDay 1 "Getting Started with C"link3An unknown function produces an error at what time? compile time link timerun-time both A and BDay 1 "Getting Started with C" link time‚If an error occurs during compile, what step in the program development life cycle would be the first step to correct the problem?EditCompilelinkexecuteDay 1 "Getting Started with C"Edit)What is the C standard used by this text? MicrosoftK & RANSInone of the aboveDay 1 "Getting Started with C"ANSI