@2Which of the following are legal C variable names?graphics images2nd radar feedone_minute_times  Both A and C/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants" Both A and C,Which of the following is not a C data type?shortunsigned floatchar double/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"unsigned float)What is the range of char type variables? -128 to 1270 to 255 0 to 65535-32768 to 32767/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants" -128 to 127=How many bytes are required to store the phrase "Testing123"?134none of the above/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"none of the aboveKWhich of the following declares a variable that can store the number 5.672?int x; char x;long x; double x;/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants" double x;=What is the compiler directive that provides named constants?#define#ifdef#ifndef#include/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"#define4What is the C keyword that provides named constants?constint c unsignedfloat/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"const2Which of these is not a legal constant definition?#define PI 3.1415const int two dozen = 12const float a_number = 1.234const int a_dozen = 12/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"const int two dozen = 122Which of the following will result in a data loss? char c='X';unsigned char c=1000;  int n=40000 both B and C/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants" both B and COWhich of the following is probably a logic error on the part of the programmer? int n=35; unsigned char c=-10;double f=9.18;unsigned int n=52628;/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"unsigned char c=-10;1Which of the following is not a base 10 constant?35-280211/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"021LWhich of the following is a hex constant representing the base 10 number 17?0x170x120x110x21/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"0x11 07 + 010 =15172380/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"155.56E4 =0.000556556005.6025.15/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"556007Which of the following is not a literal floating point?17.20.09810.012/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"1215 + 1 =0x1016020all of the above/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"all of the above2What is the advantage in using symbolic constants?!the purpose of code is made clearcode is easier to maintainMchanging a constant value only requires changes where the constant is definedall of the above/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"all of the above=Which of the following constant definitions for PI are legal?#define PI 3.14159const float pi =3.14159const double pi = 3.14159all of the above/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"all of the above