˘@&What are array locations specified by?nameindex subscript both B and CDay 6 "Basic Program Control" both B and C4How many elements are in this array: int data3[12]?36912Day 6 "Basic Program Control"12aGiven this for statement, what is the initial value of x: for (x=0; x<10; x++) printf("%d", x);?0110100Day 6 "Basic Program Control"0‰Given this for statement, what is the value of x when the condition statement evaluates to FALSE: for (x=0; x<10; x++) printf("%d", x);?091011Day 6 "Basic Program Control"10UGiven this for statement, what is the output: for (x=0; x<10; x++) printf("%d", x);?1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9none of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 93When is the increment step of a for loop evaluated?neverafter the initial statementafter the condition statement/after any C statements in the statement sectionDay 6 "Basic Program Control"/after any C statements in the statement sectionTIf an array must hold at most 5 elements, which of the following would waste memory? int [100] long [25] float [10]all of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"all of the above0What part of a for statement is evaluated first?initial expressioncondition expressionincrement expressionloop statementsDay 6 "Basic Program Control"initial expressionGWhat part of a for statement is evaluated after the initial expression?condition expressionincrement expressionloop statementsnone of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"condition expression4When are the loop statements of a for loop executed?*before the initial expression is evaluated,before the condition expression is evaluated+after the condition expression is evaluatednone of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"+after the condition expression is evaluatedDWhat happens if the for loop condition expression evaluates to TRUE?#the initial expression is evaluated the loop statements are executedthe loop exitsnone of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control" the loop statements are executed7When is the increment statement in a for loop executed?*before the initial expression is evaluated,before the condition expression is evaluated+after the condition expression is evaluated&after the loop statements are executedDay 6 "Basic Program Control"&after the loop statements are executed8What statement separator is commonly used in a for loop? semicoloncommacolonquoteDay 6 "Basic Program Control" semicolon@What data construct is often used in conjunction with for loops?intchararrayfloatDay 6 "Basic Program Control"array2What is the index of the first array element in C?0-1110Day 6 "Basic Program Control"0hWhat C looping statement includes a variable initializer and incrementor, as well as the loop condition?whiledountilforDay 6 "Basic Program Control"for+What happens when two for loops are nested?2the outer loop runs to completion, then the inner 2the inner loop runs to completion, then the outer Hfor every iteration of the inner loop, the outer loop runs to completionHfor every iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop runs to completionDay 6 "Basic Program Control"Hfor every iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop runs to completionNWhich loop construct tests the condition prior to running the loop statements?whiledogotonone of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"whileKWhich loop construct tests the condition after running the loop statements?whiledogotonone of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"do*What is the limit placed on nesting loops?316256no limitDay 6 "Basic Program Control"no limit