¢@;What is the maximum number of dimensions an array can have?3164 unlimitedDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays" unlimited)What is each location in an array called? a variablean array initializer a constantan array elementDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"an array element(How are array elements stored in memory?randomly temporarily sequentiallywith all other array elementsDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays" sequentially,How many elements are in the array x[15][3]?3151845Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"45.How many elements are in the array y[6][6][3]?1271081218Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"108>How many elements are in the array int z[]={0, 3, 6, 12, 128}?1256Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"5FGiven the array int z[]={0, 3, 6, 12, 128}, what is the value of z[1]?036128Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"3FGiven the array int z[]={0, 3, 6, 12, 128}, what is the value of z[3]?612128 undefinedDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"12@How many elements are in the array int x1[6] = [14, 12, 52, -7}?1346Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"4IGiven the array int x1[6] = [14, 12, 52, -7}, what is the value of x1[0]?1412-7 undefinedDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"14IGiven the array int x1[6] = [14, 12, 52, -7}, what is the value of x1[4]?1412-7 undefinedDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays" undefineddGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, how many elements are there total?14233212Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"12fGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, what is the value of Multi[0][0][0]?214011Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"14fGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, what is the value of Multi[1][2][1]?214011Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"2fGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, what is the value of Multi[1][0][0]?8671Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"8fGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, what is the value of Multi[0][1][0]?14111310Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"13fGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, what is the value of Multi[0][1][1]?14111310Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"10>Which of the following creates a 3 by 2 two-dimensional array? int x[3][2]int x[][]={{0,0},{0,0},{0,0}} int x[32] both A and BDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays" both A and B&What subscript do C arrays begin with?1-102Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"04What can a three-dimensional array be thought of as? checker board chess boardcubesheet of paperDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"cube