¢@5What are the range of values used for the ASCII code?0-2551-1280-127128-255 Day 10 "Characters and Strings"0-1271What data types can be used to hold ASCII values?char unsigned charfloat both A and B Day 10 "Characters and Strings" both A and B@What character set is represented using the values from 128-255?ASCIIExtended ASCIIHTMLRTF Day 10 "Characters and Strings"Extended ASCIIIWhat data type must be used in order to represent the extended ASCII set?char unsigned charfloat both A and B Day 10 "Characters and Strings" unsigned charGWhat format specifier is used to print the character value of a number?%d%u%f%c Day 10 "Characters and Strings"%cGA string in C is a sequence of characters terminated by what character?null character tab character whitespace single quote Day 10 "Characters and Strings"null character@How many characters are used by C to store the string "Testing"?71810 Day 10 "Characters and Strings"8^How many characters are allocated for the following character array: char str[]="Title Text";?2101112 Day 10 "Characters and Strings"11cHow many characters are allocated for the following character array: char str[20] = "Sample Text";?10112021 Day 10 "Characters and Strings"20XWhat type of parameters do the C standard library functions that manipulate strings use?the string elementsa pointer to the stringthe string length integers only Day 10 "Characters and Strings"a pointer to the string3What C function provides dynamic memory allocation?printfscanfgetsmalloc Day 10 "Characters and Strings"malloc:What is specified by the parameter to the malloc function?$size of the memory block to allocate&the location of the memory to allocatethe type of memorya duration in seconds Day 10 "Characters and Strings"$size of the memory block to allocate(What is returned by the malloc function?'the actual size of the allocated memory!a pointer to the allocated memorythe type of memorya boolean flag Day 10 "Characters and Strings"!a pointer to the allocated memory>What returned value indicates that the malloc function failed?TRUEthe string "Failed"NULL-1 Day 10 "Characters and Strings"NULLHWhat function can display a string without requiring a format specifier?putsprintfscanfgets Day 10 "Characters and Strings"puts(What function displays formatted string?putsprintfscanfgets Day 10 "Characters and Strings"printfwWhich of these lines of code will correctly display the null-terminated string "str", followed by the integers x and y?puts(str, x, y);printf("%s %s %s", str, x, y);printf("%d %s %s", str, x, y);printf("%s %d %d", str, x, y); Day 10 "Characters and Strings"printf("%s %d %d", str, x, y);6What C function allows the input of formatted strings?putsprintfgetsscanf Day 10 "Characters and Strings"scanfHWhat C function allows the input of a string without a format specifier?putsprintfgetsscanf Day 10 "Characters and Strings"getstWhich of the following malloc calls will allocate enough space to hold the string "Test" (assuming 1 char = 1 byte)?char *str = (char *)malloc(1);char *str = (char *)malloc(3);char *str = (char *)malloc(5);char *str = (char *)malloc(4); Day 10 "Characters and Strings"char *str = (char *)malloc(5);