¤@_What term refers to the extent to which different parts of a program have access to a variable?scopelinkage structuremodular&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"scope;What term refers to how long a variable persists in memory?scope structurelifetimeexternal&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"lifetime;A local variable is only visible with the current ________?filemodulefunctionprogram&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"function9What is a variable that is defined outside of a function? automaticlocalexternalstatic&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"external5What is the value of an uninitialized local variable?0-1NULL undefined&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope" undefined5What are external variables sometimes referred to as?staticglobalintegers automatic&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"global(What variables are automatic by default?globalexternallocalchar&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"local)What is the scope of function parameters?localglobalexternalfile&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"localYWhat keyword allows a function's local variables to retain their value from call to call?externstatictypedefint&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"staticUWhat keyword suggests to the compiler that a variable should be stored in a register?staticexternregisterglobal&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"registerIWhat term is synonymous with accessibility when referring to C variables?lifetime visibilityscopeextent&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope" visibility/What happens when a variable is "out-of-scope"? no longer visible to the program!its value is no longer accessibleits memory is deallocatedall of the above&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"all of the above2What is the value of this local variable: int x; ?0-11 undefined&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope" undefinedaWhat type of variable can be used if it must be visible to a majority of the program's functions?staticexternlocal automatic&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"extern>Which of these variables can have register associated with it?int n long arr[12]struct point pt;char szName[20];&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"int n;Which keyword is rarely used when defining local variables?staticexterntypedefauto&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"autoYWhat type of variable definitions gain the programmer nothing when defined within main()?staticexternautoregister&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"static~What type of variable has a temporary lifetime, is defined within a function, and does not retain its value from call to call?externstatic automaticregister&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope" automatickWhat type of variable has a permanent lifetime, is defined outside a function, and is visible to all files?localautoglobalregister&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"globalŠWhat type of variable has a permanent lifetime, is defined outside a function, and is visible only to the file that it is declared within? static local static global static autoregister local&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope" static global