@EWhat is the main advantage to input/output programming using streams?ease of formattingdevice independencestandard library functions a C standard8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"device independenceDWhat is the limit of the number of characters in a text stream line?8012825510248Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"2555What type of stream is not translated or interpreted?ASCIITextbinarymodem8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"binary$What is the stream 'stdin' used for?standard errorstandard inputstandard outputstandard printer8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"standard input%What is the stream 'stdout' used for?standard errorstandard inputstandard outputstandard printer8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"standard output%What is the stream 'stderr' used for?standard errorstandard inputstandard outputstandard printer8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"standard error.What two streams are only supported under DOS?#standard error and standard printer'standard printer and standard auxiliary#standard printer and standard input&standard auxiliary and standard output8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"'standard printer and standard auxiliaryrWhat letter is pre-pended to the standard library functions to note that the stream will be specified by the user?snfc8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"f6What type of stream is used with the fgetc() function? input stream error stream output streamnone of the above8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard" input stream6What type of stream is used with the fputc() function? input stream error stream output streamnone of the above8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard" output stream;Which function provides buffered character input with echo?fprintffgetsfscanfgetchar8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"getchar,Which function provides for formatted input?scanfprintffprintfgetch8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"scanf@Which function pushes buffered information out of a data stream?scanffprintffflushputs8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"fflushlWhat is the name of the process of sending standard output to a disk file or printer rather than the screen? redirection indirectionpointer arithmeticstream blocking8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard" redirection=Which function provides string output to standard error only?printffprintfperrorputs8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"perror.Which of the following are non-ANSI functions?printfgetchgetche Both B and C8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard" Both B and CGWhat character is used on the command line to redirect standard output?>!<%8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard">FWhat character is used on the command line to redirect standard input?>!<%8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"<2Which of these functions provide for string input?getsfgetsscanfall of the above8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"all of the above3Which of these functions provide for string output?fputsgetcharfgetsall of the above8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"fputs