@BWhich of the following declares a pointer to a pointer to a float? float **pp_f; float *pp_f; int **pp_f; float *p_f;&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics" float **pp_f;aGiven the array declaration, int multi[3][4], where an int is 4 bytes, what is the size of multi?12364856&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"48KGiven the array declaration, int multi[3][4], what is the size of multi[0]?12162436&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"16NGiven the array declaration, int multi[3][4], what is the size of multi[0][0]?24812&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"4=Which choice declares a pointer to a 5 element integer array?int x_arr[5]; int *x_arr[5]; int (*x_arr)[5];int (*x_arr[5]);&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"int (*x_arr)[5];-Which choice declares an array of 7 pointers?int x_arr[7]; int *x_arr[7]; int (*x_arr)[7];none of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"int *x_arr[7]; |Which of the following declares a 4 element array of char pointers and initializes each pointer to point to an empty string?"char *str[5]={"", "", "", "", ""};char *str[4]={"", "", ""};!char *str[]={"", "", "", "", ""};char *str[]={"", "", "", ""};&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"char *str[]={"", "", "", ""};Which of the following declares a 5 element array of char pointers and initializes the first four pointers to point to an empty string?"char *str[5]={"", "", "", "", ""};char *str[4]={"", "", ""};!char *str[]={"", "", "", "", ""};char *str[]={"", "", "", ""};&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics""char *str[5]={"", "", "", "", ""};lWhich of the following declares a pointer to a function that takes a float parameter and returns an integer?void (*func)();int (*func)(int n);float (*func)(int n);int (*func)(float f);&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"int (*func)(float f);tIf func is a pointer to a function, which choice correctly initializes this pointer to point to the function calc_x?func = calc_x;func = calc_x();func = *calc_x;*func = calc_x;&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"func = calc_x;{If rms is a pointer to a function, which choice correctly initializes this pointer to point to the function RootMeanSquare?*rms = RootMeanSquare;rms = RootMeanSquare;rms = RootMeanSquare();rms = *RootMeanSquare;&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"rms = RootMeanSquare;1Which of the following are types of linked lists?single-linked listsdouble-linked lists binary treesall of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"all of the above7Which of the following refer to items in a linked list?linesnodeselementsall of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"all of the aboveGiven a structure called Client that is used in creating nodes of a linked list, this structure must contain at least one pointer of what type?charintClientfloat&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"Client2What is the first element of a linked list called?headtaillaststart&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"headTWhen working with linked lists, what simple test is used to check for an empty list?4add a new element and then count the number of nodescall the IsListEmpty functioncheck for a NULL head pointernone of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"check for a NULL head pointereIn a singly-linked list, what is the simple test to determine if a node is the last node in the list?check for a NULL next pointer4add a new element and then count the number of nodescall the IsThisTheTail functionnone of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"check for a NULL next pointerCIn general, using linked lists makes heavy use of what C construct? char arrayspointers functionsstandard library calls&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"pointersIWhich of these steps is important when removing nodes from a linked list?$displaying the results on the screencreating more nodes(freeing memory used by the deleted nodesnone of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"(freeing memory used by the deleted nodesMWhat type of linked list uses only a pointer to the next element in the list? Binary Treesingly-linked listdoubly-linked listrecursive list&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"singly-linked list