¦@6Which library function returns the length of a string?strcpystrncpystrlenstrdupDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strlenJWhich library function copies an entire string to another memory location?strcpystrncpystrlenstrcatDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strcpyZWhich library function copies a specified number of characters from one string to another?strncpystrcatstrdupstrlenDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strncpynWhich library function copies a string and also performs its own memory allocation for the destination string?strcpystrcatstrncpystrdupDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strdupGWhich library function appends one string to the end of another string?strcpystrncpystrdupstrcatDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strcatmWhich library function appends a specified number of characters from one string to the end of another string?strcpystrncpystrncatstrcatDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strncatBWhich library function compares two string character by character?strcatstrdupstrlenstrcmpDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strcmpSWhat value is returned from strcmp if the two strings being compared are identical?< 00> 01Day 17 "Manipulating Strings"0`What value is returned from strcmp if the first string is lexically less than the second string?< 00> 01Day 17 "Manipulating Strings"< 0cWhat value is returned from strcmp if the first string is lexically greater than the second string?< 00> 01Day 17 "Manipulating Strings"> 0bWhat library function compares a specified number of characters from one string to another string?strcmpstrcpystrncmpstrncpyDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strncmpVWhat library function finds the first occurrence of a specified character in a string?strcmpstrncmpstrrchrstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strchrUWhat library function finds the last occurrence of a specified character in a string?strcmpstrncmpstrrchrstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strrchrrWhich library function searches one string for the first occurrence of any of the characters in the second string?strcspnstrncmpstrrchrstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strcspn’Which library function returns the position of the first character in the first string parameter that is not found in the second string parameter?strcspnstrspnstrrchrstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strspnpWhat library function searches one string for the first occurrence of any character contained in another string?strcspnstrncmpstrrchrstrpbrkDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strpbrk]Which library function searches for the first occurrence of one string within another string?strcspnstrstrstrrchrstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strstrLWhich library function reverses the order of all the characters in a string?strcspnstrncmpstrrevstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strrev7Which library function converts a string to an integer?atoiatolatofstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"atoi4Which library function converts a string to a float?atoiatolatofstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"atof