¦@iWhat is the name of the method that is used when passing a pointer to an argument variable to a function?passing by valuepassing by parameterpassing by referencenone of the above&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"passing by referenceDWhere are function arguments placed prior to making a function call?stackarrayheapmemory&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"stack2Where does a function retrieve its arguments from?stackarrayheapmemory&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"stackƒWhat method of argument passing must be used if a function must be allowed to modify the value of the original argument's variable?passing by valuepassing by parameterpassing by referencenone of the above&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"passing by reference‚What method of argument passing can be used if the function does not need to modify the value of the original argument's variable?passing by valuepassing by parameterpassing by referencenone of the above&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"passing by valueNLarge amounts of data should not be passed into a function using which method?passing by valuepassing by parameterpassing by referencenone of the above&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"passing by value1What type of variable can be passed by reference?stringpointerfloatlong&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"pointer2What keyword is used to declare a generic pointer?inttypedefvoidregister&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"void3What must be used to dereference a generic pointer? linked list structurefunctiontypecast&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"typecast^What is the proper syntax to tell a program that the void pointer p is a pointer to type char?(char)p (char *)p (char *p)char *p&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions" (char *)pQIf p is a void pointer, how could the pointer be dereferenced to point to an int?(int)p(int *)p (int **)p *(int *)p&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions" *(int *)ppWhat is used in an argument list to indicate zero or more additional arguments are to be passed into a function? parenthesisbracketsellipsis semicolon&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"ellipsisQWhat is the name of the macro used to initialize the variable argument list in C?startva_startva_argva_end&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"va_startTWhat is the name of the macro used to retrieve each argument from the variable list?va_listva_startva_argva_end&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"va_arg_What is the name of the macro used to "clean up" when all of the arguments have been retrieved?va_listva_startva_argva_end&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"va_endyWhen using a variable argument list in a function, what additional information must normally be provided to the function?!the number of variable arguments the name of the executablethe amount of free memorythe current directory&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"!the number of variable arguments 5Which function declaration returns a pointer to char?char *truncate(char *str)char (*truncate(char *str))char truncate(char *str)char **truncate(char *str)&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"char *truncate(char *str)RWhen using variable argument lists, what type of variable holds the argument list?listva_list var_arg_listarg_list&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"va_listBWhat header file must be included to use a variable argument list?stdio.hmemory.hstdarg.hstring.h&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"stdarg.h