¥@@Which C library function returns the arctangent of its argument?tanatanatan2sin*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"atanEWhat header file must be included to use the trigonometric functions?string.hstdio.hmemory.hmath.h*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"math.hEWhat units are the angle arguments to the trigonometric functions in?degreesradiansminutesseconds*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"radiansFWhat C library function returns the natural logarithm of its argument?logexplog10sinh*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"logBWhat C library function returns hyperbolic cosine of its argument?cosacoscoshtanh*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"coshPWhat C library function returns the smallest integer not less than its argument?ceilfloorsqrtfrexp*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"ceiloWhat is the name of the structure used to contain time broken down into its components (year, month, day, etc)?clock_ttimetmwatch*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"tm1What C library function returns the current time?timetime_tcur_time current_time*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"time7What C library function provides formatted time output?timenowasctime printTime*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"asctimeMWhat C library function calculates the difference between two time variables?calctimediffcalctimediffdifftime*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"difftimeJWhat C library function can be used to help track down bugs in debug mode?timedifftimestderrassert*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"assertVWhat C library function displays a message on stderr describing the most recent error?asserterrorperrorbugout*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"perror1What C library function performs a binary search?bsearch binsearch BinarySearchsearch*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"bsearch;What C library function implements the quicksort algorithm?sort quicksortqsortQsort*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"qsortbWhat is the name of the data type used to contain time elapsed since January 1, 1970 (in seconds)?clock_ttimetmwatch*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"clock_tbWhat C library function returns the floating point remainder of the division of its two arguments?powabsmodffmod*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"fmod;What C library function returns the cosine of its argument?cosacosatancosh*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"cos:What C library function returns the sine of its arguments?cosasinsincosh*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"sinEWhat C library function returns the natural exponent of its argument?expfrexpldexplog10*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"expCWhat C library function returns the absolute value of its argument?powfmodabsmodf*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"abs