Ÿ@FTo what type does an expression containing an int and a char evaluate?char intlongfloatDay 20 "Working with Memory"intDTo what type does an expression containg an int and a long evaluate?char intlongfloatDay 20 "Working with Memory"longITo what type does an expression containing a float and a double evaluate?char intfloatdoubleDay 20 "Working with Memory"doubleGTo what type does an expression containing a float and an int evaluate?char intlongfloatDay 20 "Working with Memory"float=Integer values should be contained in what type of variables? float and int int and longfloat and doublelong and doubleDay 20 "Working with Memory" int and long6What can be used to promote or demote variable values?malloc type castingtypedeffloatsDay 20 "Working with Memory" type castinghWhat memory allocation function takes a single argument which specifies the number of bytes to allocate?malloccallocreallocfreeDay 20 "Working with Memory"malloc=What memory allocation function allocates a group of objects?malloccallocreallocfreeDay 20 "Working with Memory"callocdWhat memory allocation function changes the size of a block of memory that was previously allocated?malloccallocreallocfreeDay 20 "Working with Memory"realloc,What function is used to de-allocate memory?malloccallocreallocfreeDay 20 "Working with Memory"freeVWhat memory function sets all of the bytes in a block of memory to a particular value?reallocmemmovememcpymemsetDay 20 "Working with Memory"memsetiWhich memory function copies bytes of data between memory blocks, but does not handle overlapping memory?reallocmemmovememcpymemsetDay 20 "Working with Memory"memcpyjWhich memory function copies bytes of data between memory blocks and can handle overlapping memory blocks?reallocmemmovememcpymemsetDay 20 "Working with Memory"memmove7Which C operator can be used to shift bits to the left?<><<>>Day 20 "Working with Memory"<<8Which C operator can be used to shift bits to the right?<><<>>Day 20 "Working with Memory">>-Which C operator is the bitwise AND operator?&|^~Day 20 "Working with Memory"&,Which C operator is the bitwise OR operator?&|^~Day 20 "Working with Memory"|-Which C operator is the bitwise EOR operator?&|^~Day 20 "Working with Memory"^,Which C operator is the compliment operator?&|^~Day 20 "Working with Memory"~3Which C operator reverses every bit in its operand?&|^~Day 20 "Working with Memory"~