£@CWhat is the practice of dividing a program among two or more files? file divisionsimplificationmodular programmingnone of the aboveDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"modular programming8What is the name given to each source file of a program?modulefilepiececodeDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"module?What is the name of the module that contains the main function? first moduleprimary modulesecondary module main moduleDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use" main moduleNWhat is the name of all program modules that do not contain the main function? first moduleprimary modulesecondary module main moduleDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"secondary moduleSWhat type of file usually contains prototypes, #defines, and structure definitions? source file header file binary filesecondary fileDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use" header file:What type of file is created from the compilation process? source file header file object fileexecutable fileDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use" object fileIWhat type of file is created by linking all of the object files together? source file header file object fileexecutable fileDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"executable file0What type of variable is visible across modules?registerexternfloatvoidDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"externLWhat preprocessor directive is used to create symbolic constants and macros?#include#if#undef#defineDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"#defineLWhat type of shorthand does #define support that uses argument substitution?constantfunction macrotypedefstringDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"function macro`What preprocessor directive is used to read a file and insert its contents into the source file?#include#if#undef#defineDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"#includeGWhat preprocessor directive is used to support conditional compilation?#include#if#undef#defineDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"#ifNWhat preprocessor directive is used to start the 'else' clause of a #if block?#include#else#elif#endifDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"#elseRWhat preprocessor directive is used to start the 'else if' clause of an #if block?#include#else#elif#endifDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"#elif8What preprocessor directive is used to end an #if block?#include#else#elif#endifDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"#endifPWhat preprocessor directive is used to avoid multiple inclusion of header files?#if#else#defineall of the aboveDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"all of the aboveIWhat predefined macro is replaced by the current source file line number?__TIME____LINE____FILE____DATE__Day 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"__LINE__6What predefined macro is replaced by the current time?__TIME____LINE____FILE____DATE__Day 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"__TIME__BWhat predefined macro is replaced by the current source file name?__TIME____LINE____FILE____DATE__Day 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"__FILE__6What predefined macro is replaced by the current date?__TIME____LINE____FILE____DATE__Day 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"__DATE__