^@:What type of file should C source code should be saved as?ANSIASCIIRTFHTMLDay 1 "Getting Started with C"ASCII,What type of code does the compiler produce?sourcehiddenobjectMorseDay 1 "Getting Started with C"object'What step produces the executable code?editlinkcompilenone of the aboveDay 1 "Getting Started with C"link3What is the proper extension of an executable file?obj.C.txt.exeDay 1 "Getting Started with C".exe4What are the C language reserved words often called? key wordssymbols charactersphrasesDay 1 "Getting Started with C" key words;What operating system is the Vi editor normally used under?DosWindowsUNIXOS/2Day 1 "Getting Started with C"UNIX8How does the compiler help the programmer locate errors?flashing "error" on the screen'displaying the line number of the errorfixing the errorignoring the errorDay 1 "Getting Started with C"'displaying the line number of the error%What is the compile command for UNIX?ccclbcctccDay 1 "Getting Started with C"ccEWhat is the next step in the program development cycle after compile?executeeditlinkcompileDay 1 "Getting Started with C"link‚If an error occurs during compile, what step in the program development life cycle would be the first step to correct the problem?EditCompilelinkexecuteDay 1 "Getting Started with C"Edit%What does a C style comment end with?;/*//*/&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"*/&When must a function prototype appear?Before the function is usedAfter the function is usedanywhere in the source code not at all&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"Before the function is usedHWhat library function allows keyboard input to be read into C variables?printffprintfscanffopen&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"scanf-What character is the multiply operator in C?/%!*&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"*A user-defined function is:written by the programmerprovided by the compilerprovided by the OSnone of the above&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"written by the programmer]Which reserved word causes program execution to resume at the line following a function call?ifreturnswitchcase&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"return.What is used to send information to functions?mail include files argumentscomments&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program" arguments*When is normal program execution complete?when the result is displayed9when the last statement in the main function has executedwhen a run-time error occursnone of the above&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"9when the last statement in the main function has executedBCalling a function involves including this in a program statement:the function namethe executable's name your name variables&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"the function namebWhich compiler directive is used to add the contents of a file to your program during compilation?#ifdef#pragma#endfnone of the above&Day 2 "The Components of a C Program"none of the above2Which of the following are legal C variable names?graphics images2nd radar feedone_minute_times  Both A and C/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants" Both A and C)What is the range of char type variables? -128 to 1270 to 255 0 to 65535-32768 to 32767/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants" -128 to 127KWhich of the following declares a variable that can store the number 5.672?int x; char x;long x; double x;/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants" double x;4What is the C keyword that provides named constants?constint c unsignedfloat/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"const2Which of the following will result in a data loss? char c='X';unsigned char c=1000;  int n=40000 both B and C/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants" both B and C1Which of the following is not a base 10 constant?35-280211/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"021 07 + 010 =15172380/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"157Which of the following is not a literal floating point?17.20.09810.012/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"122What is the advantage in using symbolic constants?!the purpose of code is made clearcode is easier to maintainMchanging a constant value only requires changes where the constant is definedall of the above/Day 3 "Storing Data: Variables and Constants"all of the above y and z < 1000 "?( x > = y ) and ( z < 1000 )( x> y ) and ( z = = 1000 )( y > x ) and (z < 1000)None of the above/Day 4 "Statements, Expressions, and Operators"None of the above(If x = 6, evaluate the expression x+= 24826/Day 4 "Statements, Expressions, and Operators"8-If x=6, evaluate the expression (x>2)?20:30 262030/Day 4 "Statements, Expressions, and Operators"20/Choose the operator with the higher precedence:*&=,/Day 4 "Statements, Expressions, and Operators"*"Which C operator takes 3 operands?+=%&?:/Day 4 "Statements, Expressions, and Operators"?:8What does this expression evaluate to: (15 % 5) * 3.14?23.459.42015.70/Day 4 "Statements, Expressions, and Operators"0(Which choice is equivalent to X = X + 1?X += 1X *= 1 X = X / 1X -= 1/Day 4 "Statements, Expressions, and Operators"X += 1iWhat is the model of a function that specifies the function name, list of variables, and the return type? prototypingargument main functionnone of the aboveDay 5 "Functions: The Basics" prototypingFWhere does program execution continue after a function call completes?in the next function2with the operation immediately after the function at the beginning of mainat the end of mainDay 5 "Functions: The Basics"2with the operation immediately after the function :What does structured programming break complex tasks into?multiple seperate programsmany complex tasksone large tasksmaller, simpler tasksDay 5 "Functions: The Basics"smaller, simpler tasksOWhere is the majority of code in a program written using a "top-down" approach?main()one source file header files functionsDay 5 "Functions: The Basics" functionsNIf x=5, what is the value of the argument passed in the function call cube(x)?5xy125Day 5 "Functions: The Basics"5MWhat are the function parameters in this function: int func(int x1, int x2)?x1x2 x1 and x2x1, x2, and x3Day 5 "Functions: The Basics" x1 and x2DWhat is the return type of this function: int func(int x1, int x2)?intcharfloatunknownDay 5 "Functions: The Basics"intJWhat is a function that is written in a way that allows it to call itself? redundantreliable recursive replicantDay 5 "Functions: The Basics" recursive'What is a legal function argument type?intfloatcharany C data typeDay 5 "Functions: The Basics"any C data type.What is a variable that is declared as extern?globalstaticlocal permanentDay 5 "Functions: The Basics"global&What are array locations specified by?nameindex subscript both B and CDay 6 "Basic Program Control" both B and CaGiven this for statement, what is the initial value of x: for (x=0; x<10; x++) printf("%d", x);?0110100Day 6 "Basic Program Control"0UGiven this for statement, what is the output: for (x=0; x<10; x++) printf("%d", x);?1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1000 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9none of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9TIf an array must hold at most 5 elements, which of the following would waste memory? int [100] long [25] float [10]all of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"all of the aboveGWhat part of a for statement is evaluated after the initial expression?condition expressionincrement expressionloop statementsnone of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"condition expressionDWhat happens if the for loop condition expression evaluates to TRUE?#the initial expression is evaluated the loop statements are executedthe loop exitsnone of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control" the loop statements are executed8What statement separator is commonly used in a for loop? semicoloncommacolonquoteDay 6 "Basic Program Control" semicolon2What is the index of the first array element in C?0-1110Day 6 "Basic Program Control"0+What happens when two for loops are nested?2the outer loop runs to completion, then the inner 2the inner loop runs to completion, then the outer Hfor every iteration of the inner loop, the outer loop runs to completionHfor every iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop runs to completionDay 6 "Basic Program Control"Hfor every iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop runs to completionKWhich loop construct tests the condition after running the loop statements?whiledogotonone of the aboveDay 6 "Basic Program Control"do+What is the escape sequence for a new line?\t\n\a\b)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"\n,What is the escape sequence for a backspace?\\\'\b\a)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"\bJWhen using the printf function in a C program, what file must be included?string.htime.hstdio.hmemory.h)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"stdio.h9What conversion specifier handles display of char arrays?%d%lu%f%s)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"%sHWhat conversion specifier handles display of float and double variables?%f%s%u%lu)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"%f8If x=6 and y=-1, what is displayed by printf("%d", x+y)?6-16 + -15)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"55What function reads formatted data from the keyboard?printfscanfputsgets)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"scanf?Which scanf statement reads a string into the char array 'str'?scanf("%d", str);scanf("%s", str);scanf("%f", str);scanf("%u", str);)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"scanf("%s", str);CWhen calling scanf, how are the variables passed into the function?by nameby type by addressby size)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output" by address;What conversion specifier handles display of unsigned long?%c%s%d%lu)Day 7 "Fundamentals of Input and Output"%lu;What is the maximum number of dimensions an array can have?3164 unlimitedDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays" unlimited(How are array elements stored in memory?randomly temporarily sequentiallywith all other array elementsDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays" sequentially.How many elements are in the array y[6][6][3]?1271081218Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"108FGiven the array int z[]={0, 3, 6, 12, 128}, what is the value of z[1]?036128Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"3@How many elements are in the array int x1[6] = [14, 12, 52, -7}?1346Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"4IGiven the array int x1[6] = [14, 12, 52, -7}, what is the value of x1[4]?1412-7 undefinedDay 8 "Using Numeric Arrays" undefinedfGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, what is the value of Multi[0][0][0]?214011Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"14fGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, what is the value of Multi[1][0][0]?8671Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"8fGiven the array int Multi[2][3][2]={14,11,13,10,9,6,8,7,1,5,4,2}, what is the value of Multi[0][1][1]?14111310Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"10&What subscript do C arrays begin with?1-102Day 8 "Using Numeric Arrays"0=When discussing C pointers, the '*' operator is known as the:indirection operatorpointer operatorpointer variablemultiplication operatorDay 9 "Understanding Pointers"indirection operatorDAccessing the value of a variable using the variable name is called:variable access direct accessindirect accessgranted accessDay 9 "Understanding Pointers" direct access>What is used to increment or decrement the value of a pointer?pointer manipulationpointer alterationpointer arithmeticbitwise operatorsDay 9 "Understanding Pointers"pointer arithmeticUIf arr is an integer array of 200 elements, which statement is equivalent to &arr[0]?arr[0]arr arr + 200arr[200]Day 9 "Understanding Pointers"arr Assume that a single float occupies 4 bytes. Given a 1000 element array of floats, f, allocated beginning at memory location 2500, what is the address of f[1]?1000250025042508Day 9 "Understanding Pointers"2504íAssume that a single float occupies 4 bytes. Given a 1000 element array of floats, f, allocated beginning at memory location 2500, and given a float pointer initialized as follows: float *p_values = &f[0], what is the value of p_values?0100025006500Day 9 "Understanding Pointers"2500Given the following variable declarations: int ar[7] = {0, 12, 5, 3, 8, 9, 23}; int *p_ar = ar; what will be displayed by printf("%d", *p_ar);?071223Day 9 "Understanding Pointers"0×Given the following variable declarations: int ar[7] = {0, 12, 5, 3, 8, 9, 23}; int *p_ar = ar; which of these adds the last array element to the first array element and places the result in the first array element? ar[0] = 23;ar[0] = *(p_ar + 6) + *(p_ar);ar[0] = ar[6] + ar;ar[0] = 23 + 0;Day 9 "Understanding Pointers"ar[0] = *(p_ar + 6) + *(p_ar);0What are the legal pointer arithmetic operators?increment and decrement/increment, decrement, addition, and subtraction2increment, decrement, addition, subtraction, and m2increment, decrement, addition, subtraction, multiDay 9 "Understanding Pointers"/increment, decrement, addition, and subtraction>What is passed to a function when passing a function an array?the array elementsthe first elementthe last elementthe address of the arrayDay 9 "Understanding Pointers"the address of the array5What are the range of values used for the ASCII code?0-2551-1280-127128-255 Day 10 "Characters and Strings"0-127@What character set is represented using the values from 128-255?ASCIIExtended ASCIIHTMLRTF Day 10 "Characters and Strings"Extended ASCIIGWhat format specifier is used to print the character value of a number?%d%u%f%c Day 10 "Characters and Strings"%c@How many characters are used by C to store the string "Testing"?71810 Day 10 "Characters and Strings"8cHow many characters are allocated for the following character array: char str[20] = "Sample Text";?10112021 Day 10 "Characters and Strings"203What C function provides dynamic memory allocation?printfscanfgetsmalloc Day 10 "Characters and Strings"malloc(What is returned by the malloc function?'the actual size of the allocated memory!a pointer to the allocated memorythe type of memorya boolean flag Day 10 "Characters and Strings"!a pointer to the allocated memoryHWhat function can display a string without requiring a format specifier?putsprintfscanfgets Day 10 "Characters and Strings"putswWhich of these lines of code will correctly display the null-terminated string "str", followed by the integers x and y?puts(str, x, y);printf("%s %s %s", str, x, y);printf("%d %s %s", str, x, y);printf("%s %d %d", str, x, y); Day 10 "Characters and Strings"printf("%s %d %d", str, x, y);HWhat C function allows the input of a string without a format specifier?putsprintfgetsscanf Day 10 "Characters and Strings"getsAWhat operator allows individual structure members to be accessed?structure member operatorindirection operatormodulus operatordivision operatorDay 11 "Structures"structure member operatorDWhat is the limit of levels of nesting structures within structures?2316 unlimitedDay 11 "Structures" unlimitedJWhat is a collection of one or more variables grouped under a single name?function prototypeheader structureDay 11 "Structures" structure0What are the variables that make up a structure?localstructure membersstructure partspiecesDay 11 "Structures"structure membersXWhat is the total size of the following union: union char_and_float {char c; float f;} ? sizeof(char) sizeof(float)sizeof(char) + sizeof(float)none of the aboveDay 11 "Structures" sizeof(float)}Given this structure, what choice will set the begin_pt's x member to 256: struct point {int x; int y;} begin_pt, end_pt; ?begin_pt.y = 256;begin_pt.x = 256;end_pt.x = 256begin_pt = 256;Day 11 "Structures"begin_pt.x = 256;†Given this structure, which choice will create two instances of the point structure: struct point {int x; int y;} begin_pt, end_pt; ?struct point pt1, pt2;struct point.x x1, y1; point x1, y1;point pt1, pt2;Day 11 "Structures"struct point.x x1, y1;/How are the fields of a union stored in memory? overlapping sequential temporarilyrandomlyDay 11 "Structures" overlapping@What is the maximum number of fields allowed within a structure?162561024no limit imposedDay 11 "Structures"no limit imposed=What is another name for a variable created from a structure?charfloattypedefinstanceDay 11 "Structures"instance_What term refers to the extent to which different parts of a program have access to a variable?scopelinkage structuremodular&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"scope;A local variable is only visible with the current ________?filemodulefunctionprogram&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"function5What is the value of an uninitialized local variable?0-1NULL undefined&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope" undefined(What variables are automatic by default?globalexternallocalchar&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"localYWhat keyword allows a function's local variables to retain their value from call to call?externstatictypedefint&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"staticIWhat term is synonymous with accessibility when referring to C variables?lifetime visibilityscopeextent&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope" visibility2What is the value of this local variable: int x; ?0-11 undefined&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope" undefined>Which of these variables can have register associated with it?int n long arr[12]struct point pt;char szName[20];&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"int nYWhat type of variable definitions gain the programmer nothing when defined within main()?staticexternautoregister&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"statickWhat type of variable has a permanent lifetime, is defined outside a function, and is visible to all files?localautoglobalregister&Day 12 "Understanding Variable Scope"global(What statement exits the innermost loop?continueswitchbreakfor#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls"switch)What is the goto statement an example of?ifunconditional branchlocal variablememory allocation#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls"unconditional branch4What type of statement is the destination of a goto? declarationswitchlooplabel#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls"label;Which of the keywords can be used to exit an infinite loop?breakgotocontinue both A and B#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls" both A and BjWhich statement is executed when a switch statement finds a match between its expression and a case label?,the statement following the first case label.the statement following the matched case label+the statement following the last case label)the statement following the default label#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls".the statement following the matched case label—What keyword is usually used to end the execution of statements in a switch case and then execute code just after the switch statement's closing brace?continuegotobreakskip#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls"break,What is the purpose of the system() command?read a disk directory$list the currently running processes send mail!execute operating system commands#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls"!execute operating system commandsAWhat statement could cause the remainder of a loop to be skipped?breakcontinuegotoswitch#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls"continueIn addition to the loop constructs that are valid for a continue statement, a break statement is also used within what construct? if...thenexitswitchexit#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls"switchDWhat exit code is used to show that a program terminated abnormally?-11100#Day 13 "Advanced Program Controls"1EWhat is the main advantage to input/output programming using streams?ease of formattingdevice independencestandard library functions a C standard8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"device independence5What type of stream is not translated or interpreted?ASCIITextbinarymodem8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"binary%What is the stream 'stdout' used for?standard errorstandard inputstandard outputstandard printer8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"standard output.What two streams are only supported under DOS?#standard error and standard printer'standard printer and standard auxiliary#standard printer and standard input&standard auxiliary and standard output8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"'standard printer and standard auxiliary6What type of stream is used with the fgetc() function? input stream error stream output streamnone of the above8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard" input stream;Which function provides buffered character input with echo?fprintffgetsfscanfgetchar8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"getchar@Which function pushes buffered information out of a data stream?scanffprintffflushputs8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"fflush=Which function provides string output to standard error only?printffprintfperrorputs8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"perrorGWhat character is used on the command line to redirect standard output?>!<%8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard">2Which of these functions provide for string input?getsfgetsscanfall of the above8Day 14 "Working with the Screen, Printer, and Keyboard"all of the aboveBWhich of the following declares a pointer to a pointer to a float? float **pp_f; float *pp_f; int **pp_f; float *p_f;&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics" float **pp_f;KGiven the array declaration, int multi[3][4], what is the size of multi[0]?12162436&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"16=Which choice declares a pointer to a 5 element integer array?int x_arr[5]; int *x_arr[5]; int (*x_arr)[5];int (*x_arr[5]);&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"int (*x_arr)[5];|Which of the following declares a 4 element array of char pointers and initializes each pointer to point to an empty string?"char *str[5]={"", "", "", "", ""};char *str[4]={"", "", ""};!char *str[]={"", "", "", "", ""};char *str[]={"", "", "", ""};&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"char *str[]={"", "", "", ""};lWhich of the following declares a pointer to a function that takes a float parameter and returns an integer?void (*func)();int (*func)(int n);float (*func)(int n);int (*func)(float f);&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"int (*func)(float f);{If rms is a pointer to a function, which choice correctly initializes this pointer to point to the function RootMeanSquare?*rms = RootMeanSquare;rms = RootMeanSquare;rms = RootMeanSquare();rms = *RootMeanSquare;&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"rms = RootMeanSquare;7Which of the following refer to items in a linked list?linesnodeselementsall of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"all of the above2What is the first element of a linked list called?headtaillaststart&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"headeIn a singly-linked list, what is the simple test to determine if a node is the last node in the list?check for a NULL next pointer4add a new element and then count the number of nodescall the IsThisTheTail functionnone of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"check for a NULL next pointerIWhich of these steps is important when removing nodes from a linked list?$displaying the results on the screencreating more nodes(freeing memory used by the deleted nodesnone of the above&Day 15 "Pointers: Beyond the Basics"(freeing memory used by the deleted nodesJWhich fopen mode specifies that the file is to be opened for reading only?rr+awDay 16 "Using Disk Files"rQWhich fopen mode specifies that the file is to be opened for reading and writing?rr+awDay 16 "Using Disk Files"r+SWhich fopen mode specifies that the file is to be opened for reading and appending?r+wa+aDay 16 "Using Disk Files"a+;Which library function supports formatted disk file output?fgetsfputsfprintffscanfDay 16 "Using Disk Files"fprintf&Which function is identical to getc()?fgetc()fgets() fprintf()fscanf()Day 16 "Using Disk Files"fgetc()=Which library function writes a single character to a stream?getc()putc()fputs()fgets()Day 16 "Using Disk Files"putc()PWhich library function writes a block of data from memory to a binary-mode file?fread()fwrite()fscanf()fputs()Day 16 "Using Disk Files"fwrite()XWhat letter is appended to the mode argument in the fopen call to open a file as binary?ibxfDay 16 "Using Disk Files"b;Which library function returns a file's position indicator?rewind()ftell()fseek()fpos()Day 16 "Using Disk Files"ftell()FWhat library function can be used to detect the end-of-file condition?rewind()ftell()fseek()feof()Day 16 "Using Disk Files"feof()6Which library function returns the length of a string?strcpystrncpystrlenstrdupDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strlenZWhich library function copies a specified number of characters from one string to another?strncpystrcatstrdupstrlenDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strncpyGWhich library function appends one string to the end of another string?strcpystrncpystrdupstrcatDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strcatBWhich library function compares two string character by character?strcatstrdupstrlenstrcmpDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strcmp`What value is returned from strcmp if the first string is lexically less than the second string?< 00> 01Day 17 "Manipulating Strings"< 0bWhat library function compares a specified number of characters from one string to another string?strcmpstrcpystrncmpstrncpyDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strncmpUWhat library function finds the last occurrence of a specified character in a string?strcmpstrncmpstrrchrstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strrchr’Which library function returns the position of the first character in the first string parameter that is not found in the second string parameter?strcspnstrspnstrrchrstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strspn]Which library function searches for the first occurrence of one string within another string?strcspnstrstrstrrchrstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"strstr7Which library function converts a string to an integer?atoiatolatofstrchrDay 17 "Manipulating Strings"atoiiWhat is the name of the method that is used when passing a pointer to an argument variable to a function?passing by valuepassing by parameterpassing by referencenone of the above&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"passing by reference2Where does a function retrieve its arguments from?stackarrayheapmemory&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"stack‚What method of argument passing can be used if the function does not need to modify the value of the original argument's variable?passing by valuepassing by parameterpassing by referencenone of the above&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"passing by value1What type of variable can be passed by reference?stringpointerfloatlong&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"pointer3What must be used to dereference a generic pointer? linked list structurefunctiontypecast&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"typecastQIf p is a void pointer, how could the pointer be dereferenced to point to an int?(int)p(int *)p (int **)p *(int *)p&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions" *(int *)pQWhat is the name of the macro used to initialize the variable argument list in C?startva_startva_argva_end&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"va_start_What is the name of the macro used to "clean up" when all of the arguments have been retrieved?va_listva_startva_argva_end&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"va_end5Which function declaration returns a pointer to char?char *truncate(char *str)char (*truncate(char *str))char truncate(char *str)char **truncate(char *str)&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"char *truncate(char *str)BWhat header file must be included to use a variable argument list?stdio.hmemory.hstdarg.hstring.h&Day 18 "Getting More from Functions"stdarg.h@Which C library function returns the arctangent of its argument?tanatanatan2sin*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"atanEWhat units are the angle arguments to the trigonometric functions in?degreesradiansminutesseconds*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"radiansBWhat C library function returns hyperbolic cosine of its argument?cosacoscoshtanh*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"coshoWhat is the name of the structure used to contain time broken down into its components (year, month, day, etc)?clock_ttimetmwatch*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"tm7What C library function provides formatted time output?timenowasctime printTime*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"asctimeJWhat C library function can be used to help track down bugs in debug mode?timedifftimestderrassert*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"assert1What C library function performs a binary search?bsearch binsearch BinarySearchsearch*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"bsearchbWhat is the name of the data type used to contain time elapsed since January 1, 1970 (in seconds)?clock_ttimetmwatch*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"clock_t;What C library function returns the cosine of its argument?cosacosatancosh*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"cosEWhat C library function returns the natural exponent of its argument?expfrexpldexplog10*Day 19 "Exploring the C Function Library"expFTo what type does an expression containing an int and a char evaluate?char intlongfloatDay 20 "Working with Memory"intITo what type does an expression containing a float and a double evaluate?char intfloatdoubleDay 20 "Working with Memory"double=Integer values should be contained in what type of variables? float and int int and longfloat and doublelong and doubleDay 20 "Working with Memory" int and longhWhat memory allocation function takes a single argument which specifies the number of bytes to allocate?malloccallocreallocfreeDay 20 "Working with Memory"mallocdWhat memory allocation function changes the size of a block of memory that was previously allocated?malloccallocreallocfreeDay 20 "Working with Memory"reallocVWhat memory function sets all of the bytes in a block of memory to a particular value?reallocmemmovememcpymemsetDay 20 "Working with Memory"memsetjWhich memory function copies bytes of data between memory blocks and can handle overlapping memory blocks?reallocmemmovememcpymemsetDay 20 "Working with Memory"memmove8Which C operator can be used to shift bits to the right?<><<>>Day 20 "Working with Memory">>8What is the name given to each source file of a program?modulefilepiececodeDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"moduleNWhat is the name of all program modules that do not contain the main function? first moduleprimary modulesecondary module main moduleDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"secondary module:What type of file is created from the compilation process? source file header file object fileexecutable fileDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use" object file0What type of variable is visible across modules?registerexternfloatvoidDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"externLWhat type of shorthand does #define support that uses argument substitution?constantfunction macrotypedefstringDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"function macroGWhat preprocessor directive is used to support conditional compilation?#include#if#undef#defineDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"#ifRWhat preprocessor directive is used to start the 'else if' clause of an #if block?#include#else#elif#endifDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"#elifPWhat preprocessor directive is used to avoid multiple inclusion of header files?#if#else#defineall of the aboveDay 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"all of the above6What predefined macro is replaced by the current time?__TIME____LINE____FILE____DATE__Day 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"__TIME__6What predefined macro is replaced by the current date?__TIME____LINE____FILE____DATE__Day 21 "Advanced Compiler Use"__DATE__,Which C operator is the bitwise OR operator?&|^~Day 20 "Working with Memory"|,Which C operator is the compliment operator?&|^~Day 20 "Working with Memory"~