Quick Start Guide Source Code Simply click on the install button to install the book's source code onto your hard drive. You may manually copy over the source code from the CD-ROM to your hard drive using Windows Explorer or File Manager. When copying files from the CD-ROM to your hard drive be sure the read only file attribute is unchecked. Borland Compiler Simply click on the install button. You will first see an opening information screen, press . The install program will then prompt you to input your CD-ROM drive letter (usually D). You then will be prompted for the directory on the CD-ROM drive the compiler install program resides, you should enter BC31. The install program will then provide you with a directory guide. The first line of the directory guide is the destination drive and directory, this should usually be your primary hard drive (typically the C drive). If your destination directory is not your hard drive simply highlight the line and press . Press again to edit the first line and change the drive to your hard drive. All your drives should change to your selected drive. Press to return to the main directories page, and arrow down to the option and press to install the compiler. All your executable programs will be located in the BORLANDC\BIN directory (if you choose the default path and directories). Self Assessment Tests Simply click on the install button to install the Self-Assessment Tests onto your hard drive. This option is the most convenient way to access the test, but requires space on your hard drive. You may choose to run the tests from the CD-ROM drive. Using Windows Explorer or File Manager you will find the tests in the CBT directory.