/* Demonstration of frequently used escape sequences */ #include #define QUIT 3 int get_menu_choice( void ); void print_report( void ); main() { int choice = 0; while (choice != QUIT) { choice = get_menu_choice(); if (choice == 1) printf("\nBeeping the computer\a\a\a" ); else { if (choice == 2) print_report(); } } printf("You chose to quit!\n"); return 0; } int get_menu_choice( void ) { int selection = 0; do { printf( "\n" ); printf( "\n1 - Beep Computer" ); printf( "\n2 - Display Report"); printf( "\n3 - Quit"); printf( "\n" ); printf( "\nEnter a selection:" ); scanf( "%d", &selection ); }while ( selection < 1 || selection > 3 ); return selection; } void print_report( void ) { printf( "\nSAMPLE REPORT" ); printf( "\n\nSequence\tMeaning" ); printf( "\n=========\t=======" ); printf( "\n\\a\t\tbell (alert)" ); printf( "\n\\b\t\tbackspace" ); printf( "\n...\t\t..."); }