/* Demonstrates the use of malloc() to allocate storage */ /* space for string data. */ #include #include char count, *ptr, *p; main() { /* Allocate a block of 35 bytes. Test for success. */ /* The exit() library function terminates the program. */ ptr = malloc(35 * sizeof(char)); if (ptr == NULL) { puts("Memory allocation error."); exit(1); } /* Fill the string with values 65 through 90, */ /* which are the ASCII codes for A-Z. */ /* p is a pointer used to step through the string. */ /* You want ptr to remain pointed at the start */ /* of the string. */ p = ptr; for (count = 65; count < 91 ; count++) *p++ = count; /* Add the terminating null character. */ *p = '\0'; /* Display the string on the screen. */ puts(ptr); return 0; }