/* Demonstrates a structure that has array members. */ #include /* Define and declare a structure to hold the data. */ /* It contains one float variable and two char arrays. */ struct data{ float amount; char fname[30]; char lname[30]; } rec; main() { /* Input the data from the keyboard. */ printf("Enter the donor's first and last names,\n"); printf("separated by a space: "); scanf("%s %s", rec.fname, rec.lname); printf("\nEnter the donation amount: "); scanf("%f", &rec.amount); /* Display the information. */ /* Note: %.2f specifies a floating point value */ /* to be displayed with two digits to the right */ /* of the decimal point. */ /* Display the data on the screen. */ printf("\nDonor %s %s gave $%.2f.\n", rec.fname, rec.lname, rec.amount); return 0; }