/* Demonstrates the fopen() function. */ #include main() { FILE *fp; char ch, filename[40], mode[4]; while (1) { /* Input filename and mode. */ printf("\nEnter a filename: "); gets(filename); printf("\nEnter a mode (max 3 characters): "); gets(mode); /* Try to open the file. */ if ( (fp = fopen( filename, mode )) != NULL ) { printf("\nSuccessful opening %s in mode %s.\n", filename, mode); fclose(fp); puts("Enter x to exit, any other to continue."); if ( (ch = getc(stdin)) == 'x') break; else continue; } else { fprintf(stderr, "\nError opening file %s in mode %s.\n", filename, mode); puts("Enter x to exit, any other to try again."); if ( (ch = getc(stdin)) == 'x') break; else continue; } } return(0); }