//: C11:HowMany.cpp // From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition // Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com // (c) Bruce Eckel 2000 // Copyright notice in Copyright.txt // A class that counts its objects #include #include using namespace std; ofstream out("HowMany.out"); class HowMany { static int objectCount; public: HowMany() { objectCount++; } static void print(const string& msg = "") { if(msg.size() != 0) out << msg << ": "; out << "objectCount = " << objectCount << endl; } ~HowMany() { objectCount--; print("~HowMany()"); } }; int HowMany::objectCount = 0; // Pass and return BY VALUE: HowMany f(HowMany x) { x.print("x argument inside f()"); return x; } int main() { HowMany h; HowMany::print("after construction of h"); HowMany h2 = f(h); HowMany::print("after call to f()"); } ///:~