//: C15:Instrument3.cpp // From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition // Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com // (c) Bruce Eckel 2000 // Copyright notice in Copyright.txt // Late binding with the virtual keyword #include using namespace std; enum note { middleC, Csharp, Cflat }; // Etc. class Instrument { public: virtual void play(note) const { cout << "Instrument::play" << endl; } }; // Wind objects are Instruments // because they have the same interface: class Wind : public Instrument { public: // Override interface function: void play(note) const { cout << "Wind::play" << endl; } }; void tune(Instrument& i) { // ... i.play(middleC); } int main() { Wind flute; tune(flute); // Upcasting } ///:~