//: C16:TPStash2.h // From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition // Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com // (c) Bruce Eckel 2000 // Copyright notice in Copyright.txt // Templatized PStash with nested iterator #ifndef TPSTASH2_H #define TPSTASH2_H #include "../require.h" #include template class PStash { int quantity; int next; T** storage; void inflate(int increase = incr); public: PStash() : quantity(0), storage(0), next(0) {} ~PStash(); int add(T* element); T* operator[](int index) const; T* remove(int index); int count() const { return next; } // Nested iterator class: class iterator; // Declaration required friend class iterator; // Make it a friend class iterator { // Now define it PStash& ps; int index; public: iterator(PStash& pStash) : ps(pStash), index(0) {} // To create the end sentinel: iterator(PStash& pStash, bool) : ps(pStash), index(ps.next) {} // Copy-constructor: iterator(const iterator& rv) : ps(rv.ps), index(rv.index) {} iterator& operator=(const iterator& rv) { ps = rv.ps; index = rv.index; return *this; } iterator& operator++() { require(++index <= ps.next, "PStash::iterator::operator++ " "moves index out of bounds"); return *this; } iterator& operator++(int) { return operator++(); } iterator& operator--() { require(--index >= 0, "PStash::iterator::operator-- " "moves index out of bounds"); return *this; } iterator& operator--(int) { return operator--(); } // Jump interator forward or backward: iterator& operator+=(int amount) { require(index + amount < ps.next && index + amount >= 0, "PStash::iterator::operator+= " "attempt to index out of bounds"); index += amount; return *this; } iterator& operator-=(int amount) { require(index - amount < ps.next && index - amount >= 0, "PStash::iterator::operator-= " "attempt to index out of bounds"); index -= amount; return *this; } // Create a new iterator that's moved forward iterator operator+(int amount) const { iterator ret(*this); ret += amount; // op+= does bounds check return ret; } T* current() const { return ps.storage[index]; } T* operator*() const { return current(); } T* operator->() const { require(ps.storage[index] != 0, "PStash::iterator::operator->returns 0"); return current(); } // Remove the current element: T* remove(){ return ps.remove(index); } // Comparison tests for end: bool operator==(const iterator& rv) const { return index == rv.index; } bool operator!=(const iterator& rv) const { return index != rv.index; } }; iterator begin() { return iterator(*this); } iterator end() { return iterator(*this, true);} }; // Destruction of contained objects: template PStash::~PStash() { for(int i = 0; i < next; i++) { delete storage[i]; // Null pointers OK storage[i] = 0; // Just to be safe } delete []storage; } template int PStash::add(T* element) { if(next >= quantity) inflate(); storage[next++] = element; return(next - 1); // Index number } template inline T* PStash::operator[](int index) const { require(index >= 0, "PStash::operator[] index negative"); if(index >= next) return 0; // To indicate the end require(storage[index] != 0, "PStash::operator[] returned null pointer"); return storage[index]; } template T* PStash::remove(int index) { // operator[] performs validity checks: T* v = operator[](index); // "Remove" the pointer: storage[index] = 0; return v; } template void PStash::inflate(int increase) { const int tsz = sizeof(T*); T** st = new T*[quantity + increase]; memset(st, 0, (quantity + increase) * tsz); memcpy(st, storage, quantity * tsz); quantity += increase; delete []storage; // Old storage storage = st; // Point to new memory } #endif // TPSTASH2_H ///:~