//: C16:TStack2.h // From Thinking in C++, 2nd Edition // Available at http://www.BruceEckel.com // (c) Bruce Eckel 2000 // Copyright notice in Copyright.txt // Templatized Stack with nested iterator #ifndef TSTACK2_H #define TSTACK2_H template class Stack { struct Link { T* data; Link* next; Link(T* dat, Link* nxt) : data(dat), next(nxt) {} }* head; public: Stack() : head(0) {} ~Stack(); void push(T* dat) { head = new Link(dat, head); } T* peek() const { return head ? head->data : 0; } T* pop(); // Nested iterator class: class iterator; // Declaration required friend class iterator; // Make it a friend class iterator { // Now define it Stack::Link* p; public: iterator(const Stack& tl) : p(tl.head) {} // Copy-constructor: iterator(const iterator& tl) : p(tl.p) {} // The end sentinel iterator: iterator() : p(0) {} // operator++ returns boolean indicating end: bool operator++() { if(p->next) p = p->next; else p = 0; // Indicates end of list return bool(p); } bool operator++(int) { return operator++(); } T* current() const { if(!p) return 0; return p->data; } // Pointer dereference operator: T* operator->() const { require(p != 0, "PStack::iterator::operator->returns 0"); return current(); } T* operator*() const { return current(); } // bool conversion for conditional test: operator bool() const { return bool(p); } // Comparison to test for end: bool operator==(const iterator&) const { return p == 0; } bool operator!=(const iterator&) const { return p != 0; } }; iterator begin() const { return iterator(*this); } iterator end() const { return iterator(); } }; template Stack::~Stack() { while(head) delete pop(); } template T* Stack::pop() { if(head == 0) return 0; T* result = head->data; Link* oldHead = head; head = head->next; delete oldHead; return result; } #endif // TSTACK2_H ///:~