# # Robots.txt file for http://webafsNNN.cern.ch # # Same file for all servers User-agent: * Disallow: / User-agent: FAST Enterprise Crawler 6 used by CERN (project-search@cern.ch) Disallow: User-agent: FAST Enterprise Crawler for Sharepoint used by CERN (project-search@cern.ch) Disallow: # We allow websites that have requested it User-agent: * Allow: /fccr/ User-agent: * Allow: /FCCr/ User-agent: * Allow: /geant4/ User-agent: * Allow: /mad/ User-agent: * Allow: /cms-tracker/ User-agent: * Allow: /droussea/ User-agent: * Allow: /CLICr/ User-agent: * Allow: /rtomas/ User-agent: * Allow: /theofil/ User-agent: * Allow: /siodmok/ User-agent: * Allow: /gfasanel/ User-agent: * Allow: /mig/ User-agent: * Allow: /mcfayden/ User-agent: * Allow: /sviel/ User-agent: * Allow: /pmarino/ User-agent: * Allow: /cnellist/ User-agent: Googlebot Allow: /swedish/ User-agent: Googlebot Allow: /grid-deployment/ User-agent: * Allow: /davidc/ User-agent: Googlebot Allow: /glite/ # Disallow all other websites User-agent: * Disallow: /