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Written by MageLang Institute

The goal of this course is to provide a simple, overview path through the main components of the Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT), allowing programmers who are unfamiliar with the AWT to get started quickly. The course is interwoven with flexible exercises that, together with the course text, allow programmers to tailor the learning process to their particular learning style. This course covers the following main elements of the AWT:

  • Images and drawing.
  • Components (widgets).
  • Layout managers.
  • Events.

The focus of this course is on the AWT elements used most often by applets, while ignoring the frames, menus, and dialog boxes.

Short Course Prerequisites

A general familiarity with object-oriented programming, the Java(tm) language, web browsers, and HTML is assumed. For example, prospective students should be able to define Java classes and subclasses, create objects, and write applets that use object polymorphism (dynamic binding).

These course notes, applets, and exercises were developed and tested with Netscape Navigator 3.0 under Windows NT 3.51 and Windows 95. Other browsers and earlier versions of Navigator may have trouble running all the applets.

Short Course Format and Duration

This course consists of cross-linked course notes and flexible exercises that will take at least eight hours to complete. Due to the size and complexity of the AWT, this course may take longer to complete than other short courses.

How to Take this Short Course

Because people tend to learn in different ways and have different backgrounds, this course is designed with many paths through the material. You can begin with the exercises and refer back to the notes, or you can begin with the course notes and follow the embedded links to appropriate exercises. It is possible to cover the course content in a depth-first, or breadth-first manner. For example, you may want to learn everything about a particular subject before moving on, or you may want to get a broad overview before exploring each subject in depth.

Note: If you want help on an individual and more personal basis, you can access the Java Developer Connection "Training Office Hours" when you can direct your questions online to the AWT Short Course instructor.

Entry Points: