Read Me File for eRing All rights reserved eRing Solutions inc. 1998, 1999. eRing is published by eRing Solutions inc. Visit our web site at Table of Content ---------------- 1. Introduction 2. How does it work 3. Hardware and Software Requirements 4. How to Install 5. What Does it Cost 6. Upgrades and Troubleshooting 1. Introduction --------------- With eRing, anyone using an ordinary telephone can talk to you directly at your PC connected to the internet. With eRing, you won't need a second phone line and you won't miss your calls! 2. How does it work ------------------- Someone trying to reach you on the internet needs to call the eRing Access Number and punch in your phone number. The eRing window will pop-up on your screen and display the name and phone number of the person who is calling. If you accept the call, eRing will enable an exchange of voice messages between the person who is calling (with an ordinary telephone) and you at your PC (with your microphone and speakers). The eRing Access numbers can be found in section Access Numbers of our web site at 3. Hardware and Software Requirements ------------------------------------- - Sound card (SoundBlaster or other) - Speakers - Microphone - Windows 95, 98 or NT 4. How to Install ----------------- Simply double-click on the installation program (eRingIns.exe) 5. What Does it Cost -------------------- There are two versions of eRing: eRing Lite is free. eRing Plus costs $19.95 per year (subject to change). When you first install the software, you will be able to use eRing Plus for an evaluation period of 30 days without cost or obligation. If you haven't paid for eRing Plus before the end of your evaluation period, your software will be automatically changed to eRing Lite which you can continue to use without cost or obligation. Note that someone calling long distance to an eRing Access Number will be billed long distance charges by their own long distance carrier just like any other call. Please visit sections Access Numbers and Cost of our web site for all the details at 6. Upgrades and Troubleshooting ------------------------------- For upgrades: Visit the Download section of our web site For troubleshooting: Visit the Help & FAQ section of our web site. Our web address is